Keep on smiling. Life is too short not to be happy!
#chenelno1 #indierock #popfolk #folkpop #folkpopmusic #happysong #funsong
#chenelno1 #indierock #popfolk #folkpop #folkpopmusic #happysong #funsong
Zonder woorden
Ik geraak mijne rant nu zelfs niet kwijt in 5 000 tekens ! 😜
#ACTUEEL #happysong #a_little_bit_of_whishful #with_a_little_help_from_my_
Did I ever mention that I had a blast writing this song with @the_perics Have you heard the full song yet?
#chenelno1 #GiveMeYourLove #folkpop #folkpopmusic #popfolk #happysong
#chenelno1 #givemeyourlove #folkpop #folkpopmusic #popfolk #happysong
Give Me Your Love has been one of the most enjoyable collaborations I've done so far. The Perics are such great guys! Support usbby listening to the full song on Spotify or Apple
#chenelno1 #folkpop #popfolk #folkpopmusic #indiepoprock #happysong
#chenelno1 #folkpop #popfolk #folkpopmusic #indiepoprock #happysong
Sometimes a song comes along that just hit your heart right. Give Me Your Love is one of those tunes that you'll hear and want more of. Listen to it on Spotify or Apple today
#chenelno1 #folkpop #popfolk #folkpopmusic #indiepoprock #happysong
#chenelno1 #folkpop #popfolk #folkpopmusic #indiepoprock #happysong
第25回 💕あ?/春よ来い/テルーの唄/全力少年/時代/ライディーンもどき/探偵物語/常套句/真夏の夜の夢/五番街のマリーへ/ロックンルージュ/タッチ/私はピアノ 23/06/08
#528Hz #Celebrities #Celebrity #DAW #DTM #duosong #Fun #funny #GoroShibata #happy #happysong #Logicpro10.6 #Mr.ChildrenBand #Music #Piapi #QJapan #Vlog #あ春よ来いテルーの唄全力少年時代ライディーンもどき探偵物語常套句真夏の夜の夢五番街のマリーへロックンルージュタッチ私はピアノ #てんばか #天才ばかばんど #第25回 #芝田吾朗
#528hz #celebrities #celebrity #daw #dtm #duosong #fun #funny #goroshibata #happy #happysong #logicpro10 #mr #music #piapi #qjapan #vlog #あ春よ来いテルーの唄全力少年時代ライディーンもどき探偵物語常套句真夏の夜の夢五番街のマリーへロックンルージュタッチ私はピアノ #てんばか #天才ばかばんど #第25回 #芝田吾朗
If you're having a bad day I have the perfect pick-me-up song for you. Enjoy the folk pop song, Give Me Your Love and you'll feel instantly energized.
#chenelno1 #folkpop #folkpopmusic #happysong #moodboostingsongs
#chenelno1 #folkpop #folkpopmusic #happysong #moodboostingsongs
#BoneyM #HappySong
So Kinnas, damit geht es ab ins #wochenende
Habt Spaß und sauft nicht zu wenig ;-)
😎 ✌️ :mastodance:
#wochenende #mikesclassix #happysong #BoneyM
Hope everybody got some recharge this holiday weekend. Audio smile incoming. #Happysong
C2C - Happy (ft Derek Martin)
#C2C #DerekMartin #music #Swing #Dance #Electro #Synth #BearTracks #Sampling #USA #20s
#happysong #C2C #derekmartin #music #swing #dance #electro #synth #BearTracks #sampling #usa #20s
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. For me a sparkling personality means more than the outer facade. Enjoy your day.
#chenelno1 #shesaflamingo #rockmusic #rocksong #rocknroll #rockmusician #songwriter #singersongwriter #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #southafricansinger #happysong #indieartist #indierock #indiemusic #rock #rockballad
#chenelno1 #shesaflamingo #rockmusic #rocksong #rocknroll #rockmusician #songwriter #singersongwriter #southafricansongwriter #southafricanartist #southafricanmusic #southafricansinger #happysong #indieartist #indierock #indiemusic #rock #rockballad
The Architect - Watch Me Dance
#happysong #music #WorldBeat #sampling #dj #BearTracks #uk #20s
Remember this one?
Gabriella Cilmi - Sweet About Me
#GabriellaCilmi #music #Pop #Rock #BearTracks #Australia #00s #HappySong
#gabriellacilmi #music #pop #rock #BearTracks #australia #00s #happysong
New track with great smoky 80s soul/disco vibes.
Btw the Eddie Craig remix really pushes the 80s disco vibe boat out, it's pretty cool too.
Fleur East - Count The Ways
Fleur East - Count The Ways (Eddie Craig Discotek Remix)
#FleurEast #music #Soul #RNB #Disco #Pop #BearTracks #UK #20s #HappySong #Remix #FridayNightJukebox
#fleureast #music #soul #rnb #disco #pop #BearTracks #uk #20s #happysong #remix #FridayNightJukebox
Kittens + Bootsy + Fat Boy Slim.
Hard not to raise a smile from this music vid. 🙂 🎶
#Music #FatBoySlim #BootsyCollins #House #HappyHouse #EDM #Dance #Funk #BearTracks #USA #UK #10s #HappySong
#music #fatboyslim #BootsyCollins #house #happyhouse #edm #dance #funk #BearTracks #usa #uk #10s #happysong
Happy song 😀 😎
Fleur East - Sax
#FleurEast #music #House #EDM #Dance #Club #BearTracks #UK #10s #HappySong
#fleureast #music #house #edm #dance #club #BearTracks #uk #10s #happysong
Not hugely well known outside of Italy, DJ, producer & instrumentalist Fab Samperi.
Both Moonshine Crossroads & Power Bossa (and the remix album is good too) are well worth checking out, real mashup of styles on there, every song is pulling in quite different genres. This one is a bubbly housey 8bit flavour.
Fab Samperi - Soul Rider
#FabSamperi #music #EDM #Dance #Club #BearTracks #HappySong #8bit #Italy #10s
#fabsamperi #music #edm #dance #club #BearTracks #happysong #8bit #Italy #10s
Welcome to the Cruel World is a classy album. But 1 song sort of doesn't quite slot alongside the rest & I love it for doing it's own thing on the album.
Ben Harper - Mama's Got A Girlfriend Now
#BenHarper #music #Blues #Funk #Soul #BearTracks #USA #90s #Creole #HappySong
#benharper #music #blues #funk #soul #BearTracks #usa #90s #creole #happysong
Have to bounce back to the The Meters. Get on! Pure groove.
The Meters - Just Kissed My Baby
#TheMeters #music #Funk #Soul #BearTracks #USA #70s #Hammond #HappySong
#themeters #music #funk #soul #BearTracks #usa #70s #hammond #happysong
10minutes & 1 second of class-A funk.
The J.B.'s - Doing It To Death - Pts 1 & 2
#TheJBs #music #JamesBrown #Funk #Soul #BearTracks #USA #70s #HappySong
#TheJBs #music #jamesbrown #funk #soul #BearTracks #usa #70s #happysong
How's your Saturday going??
The Meters - Cissy Strut
#TheMeters #music #Funk #Soul #BearTracks #USA #60s #Hammond #HappySong
#themeters #music #funk #soul #BearTracks #usa #60s #hammond #happysong