MKGehring · @MKGehring
195 followers · 136 posts · Server

It’s warmed up to 19F here in PDX (yes, Portland, OR people refer to it by our airport code). The east winds are howling, and an ice storm is on its way. Wondering how many trees will survive intact. We're supposed to thaw out Saturday.

#winter #chainsaw #happytohaveagenerator #nature #wishusluck #weather #FreezingRain #icestorm #pnw #pdx

Last updated 2 years ago

MKGehring · @MKGehring
206 followers · 166 posts · Server

It’s warmed up to 19F here in PDX (yes, Portland, OR people refer to it by our airport code). The east winds are howling, and an ice storm is on its way. Wondering how many trees will survive intact. We're supposed to thaw out Saturday.

#winter #chainsaw #happytohaveagenerator #nature #wishusluck #weather #FreezingRain #icestorm #pnw #pdx

Last updated 2 years ago