Happy World Book Day! It's amazing when you think how much power the world owes to stories. If you enjoy slice of life or romance, it would mean the world to me if you took a look at Ginsterpigs #HappyWorldBookDay #writersofmastodon #burtonmayersbooks #ginsterpigs https://amazon.co.uk/Ginsterpigs-Emmalena-L.../dp/1838484582
#happyworldbookday #writersofmastodon #burtonmayersbooks #ginsterpigs
“I can’t decide”
[days pass]
“I can’t decide”
[days pass]
“I can’t decide”
[days pass: the morning arrives]
“I want to be [x]!”
[frantic hour of crafting]
[put on costume]
[two minutes pass]
“Actually I don’t want to dress up”.