#ClimateShift is a ten point plan for #ClimateAction, guided by three key themes:
Real #emissions reductions
Supporting #FrontlineCommunities
Restoring & #rewilding nature
Together, we’re calling for genuine climate action from the #NewZealand Government, which gives effect to #TeTiritiOWaitangi and is guided by #hapū exercising their tino rangatiratanga.
#hapu #tetiritiowaitangi #newzealand #rewilding #frontlinecommunities #emissions #climateaction #climateshift
Das Nikolausbier kommt aus Portugal: Hapū, ein DDH IPA von Ophiussa Brewing Co. aus Setúbal, 🇵🇹. Laut Beschreibung wurden ausschließlich neuseeländische Hopfensorten verwendet. 4 Punkte bei #untappd von mir. 🇵🇹🇳🇿🍻
#ophiussa #ophiussabrewingco #hapu #ddhipa #neipa #ipa #24beersofchristmas #craftbeeradventskalender #craftbeeradventcalendar #beyondbeer #craftbier #craftbeer
#untappd #ophiussa #ophiussabrewingco #hapu #ddhipa #neipa #ipa #24beersofchristmas #craftbeeradventskalender #craftbeeradventcalendar #beyondbeer #Craftbier #craftbeer