One of my favourite geniuses is Yuval Noah #Harari
Zeitenwende: Der Umzug ins Ich
Eine Zeitenwende für die Bedeutung der Religionen und des Humanismus zeichnet sich ab.
(iz). Über Generationen leitete der Mensch seine Stellung und den Sinn seiner Existenz von der göttlichen Offenbarung oder einem kosmischen Plan ab. In der Tiefe drehte sich die natürliche Wirklichkeitserfahr
#InnovationenTechnologien #Bildung #Debatte #Spotlight #harari #humanismus #ich #technologie
#technologie #ich #humanismus #harari #spotlight #debatte #bildung #innovationentechnologien
Look at their names. You ever notice they recommend each other's work? This time #Harari has a book for children. How much can they take, these little ones? 🧸 #HarariForKids
Really wonderful conversation between Yuval Noah #Harari and Lex #Friedman.
40 Mins worth spending on a sunny 😎 Sunday afternoon
Thank you for sending me this vid! I'm learning that there's a debate about the ugency of #AISafety" vs #AIEthics. #Harari and #Bengio are focused on "AI Safety" — restraining/controlling a #SuperIntelligent #AGI (general AI). It's more theoretical + philosophical. Others are focused on #AIEthics which is trying to avoid the harm that algorithms and #AI are causing now for disadvantaged people (runaway #capitalism, discrimination and #bias, #misinformation, environmental damage)
#misinformation #bias #Capitalism #AI #agi #superintelligent #bengio #harari #aiethics #aisafety
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- A fasizmus vonzása
- Hatalom és fikció
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- Emberhekkelés
- Hatalom
- Alapjövedelem
- A jövő
- Digitális diktatúra
- A fasizmus vonzása
- Hatalom és fikció
- Agymanók
- Szép új világ
- Emberhekkelés
- Hatalom
- Alapjövedelem
- A jövő
- Digitális diktatúra
- A fasizmus vonzása
- Hatalom és fikció
- Agymanók
- Szép új világ
- Emberhekkelés
"Each of us is ensnared within numerous all-encompassing spiderwebs, which on the one hand restrict our movements but on the other transmit our tiniest jiggle to faraway destinations." (Yuval Noah Harari, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century)
Eerily reminiscent of the face dancers grip on the universe at the end if Chapterhouse: Dune. Harari channeling Herbert where our technology (approaching the level of awareness that caused the Butlerian Jihad) and its algorithms know more about ourselves than we know about ourselves.
#AI #books #scifi #Harari #frankherbert #Dune #psychology
#ai #books #SciFi #harari #frankherbert #Dune #psychology
„Allein in den Vereinigten Staaten geben die Menschen jedes Jahr mehr Geld für Diäten aus als nötig wäre, um die Hungernden im Rest der Welt zu ernähren“
Klöpping, Harari en andere prominenten zijn in AI-fuik gelopen (Trouw)
Dit hysterische gehype van kunstmatige ‘intelligentie’ (AI) is gevaarlijker dan AI zelf.
Citaten uit stuk:
#ai #artificial_intelligence #kunstmatige_intelligentie #klopping #klöpping #harari #ChatGPT #GPT-4 #yuval_harari
#yuval_harari #gpt #chatgpt #harari #klopping #kunstmatige_intelligentie #artificial_intelligence #ai
Diversi intellettuali ed esperti #tech hanno firmato una lettera aperta chiedendo di rallentare lo sviluppo dell'#IA preoccupati dai rischi per l'umanità.
Tra i firmatari anche Elon #Musk, Steve #Wozniak e Yuval Noah #Harari.
#tech #ia #musk #Wozniak #harari
#Buddha perception reimagined by #Harari. #Nature is red in tooth in claw objectively yet evolution has evolved us to perceive much of it as #aesthetics beautiful and #hopeful. It is curios that #cooperation and #hope evolved from that which is without mind, design, or intentional goals and purposes. #history #universe #suffering #truth #philosophy #self #pessimism
#pessimism #self #philosophy #truth #suffering #universe #history #hope #cooperation #hopeful #aesthetics #nature #harari #buddha
Uma ótima crítica ao livro #Sapiens do Yuval #Harari. Resumidamente, é um livro problematico:
@DocMCohen In the future, rich people will live much longer and much better than poor people. It's clear that the divergence of the species into the "haves" and "have-nots" predicted by Yuval Noah Harari in Homo Deus is accelerating. I can do nothing about it. #Harari #Future #Homo #HomoDeus #Wealth #Health #Healthcare
#harari #future #homo #homodeus #wealth #health #healthcare
Sociologist Jim Glynn makes me feel a little better here because he appears to understand that Harari is telling us what the world might be like in the future, rather than what it is inevitably bending toward. #Harari #HomoDeus #Sapiens #AI #Biotechnology #Bioethics
#harari #homodeus #sapiens #ai #biotechnology #bioethics