Goose and Seagull debate which one is right in this installment of our weekly cartoon drawn by Alameda native, Brice.
#alameda #BayFarm #HarborBay #BayFarmIsland #HarborBayIsle #TwoBirdsFromAlameda
#alameda #bayfarm #harborbay #bayfarmisland #harborbayisle #twobirdsfromalameda
Dive into Bay Farm Island history and learn how developers, politicians, and residents shaped the residential community starting in the 1960s. Historian Dennis Evanosky outlines the defining moments that made Bay Farm Island what it is today. Join us for the conclusion of our three-part walking tour on the history of Bay Farm Island this Saturday, May 6.
#alameda #MeasureA #RonCowan #ChuckCorica #WalkingTour #BayFarmIsland #HarborBayIsle #BraddockAndLogan
#alameda #measurea #roncowan #chuckcorica #walkingtour #bayfarmisland #harborbayisle #braddockandlogan