Black Flag - "Black Coffee"
#BlackFlag | #BlackCoffee
#Punk | #Harcore | #HardcorePunk
#Musique | #PouetRadio
#blackflag #BlackCoffee #punk #harcore #hardcorepunk #musique #pouetradio #henryrollins
Fun orgy with little girls.
#lolis #commission #nsfw #lolita #kids #child #lxli #lxlicon #sex #loli_ #shota #map_ #aam_ #ped_ #pedo_ #loliii #Lolicon_ #loli_ #cunnyy #aamm #mappp #ped_ #p3dooo #pxdoo #young #lxli #pedophile #pedo_ #pedooooo #pedo0 #cpp_ #maap #underage_ #child_ #baby #toddlercon #doujin #harcore #rape #hard #extreme
#extreme #hard #rape #harcore #doujin #toddlercon #baby #child_ #underage_ #maap #cpp_ #pedo0 #pedooooo #pedophile #young #pxdoo #p3dooo #mappp #aamm #cunnyy #Lolicon_ #loliii #pedo_ #ped_ #aam_ #map_ #shota #loli_ #sex #Lxlicon #lxli #child #kids #lolita #nsfw #commission #lolis
I love this little Hinata doujin.💜🥵
#lolis #commission #nsfw #lolita #kids #child #lxli #lxlicon #sex #loli_ #shota #map_ #aam_ #ped_ #pedo_ #loliii #Lolicon_ #loli_ #cunnyy #aamm #mappp #ped_ #p3dooo #pxdoo #young #lxli #pedophile #pedo_ #pedooooo #pedo0 #cpp_ #maap #underage_ #child_ #baby #toddlercon #doujin #harcore #rape #harde
#harde #rape #harcore #doujin #toddlercon #baby #child_ #underage_ #maap #cpp_ #pedo0 #pedooooo #pedophile #young #pxdoo #p3dooo #mappp #aamm #cunnyy #Lolicon_ #loliii #pedo_ #ped_ #aam_ #map_ #shota #loli_ #sex #Lxlicon #lxli #child #kids #lolita #nsfw #commission #lolis
#OTD July 5, 1983
Suicidal Tendencies release their self titled debut album.
The song “Institutionalized” got good radio airplay and the music video was on MTV regularly, which helped introduce this punk/metal hybrid album to both punks (me!) and metalheads (specifically trash metal fans).
The guitar sound is probably my favorite aspect of this album, best represented by the solo at the end of “I Saw Your Mommy”. It’s got a very crisp, metallic sound to it, and Grant Estes is/was clearly a talented guitar player.
The songs feature shocking yet clearly humorous lyrics, and several are centered on dual vocals doing a back and forth rapid fire. So many of my friends misunderstood a lot of the lyrics because they were so dense and came at you so quickly.
I never got into their follow on albums, which increasingly sounded more thrash metal than punk. But from ‘83 to ‘88 I must’ve listened to this album at least a thousand times.
#otd #harcore #punk #skatepunk #metal #thrash #music #80s