We resist talking about expertise but we have learned all manner of design techniques. We spend a time communicating difficult but important topics like , and , which can typically be a bit dry and attract poor behaviors from some. So we try to relay info in nuanced ways.

In recent years our focus is on , (bitcoin) and as we have identified these as integral to solving above.

Why do you ask?


#exponentialGrowth #populationGrowth #overconsumption #ubi #hardCurrency #bankerCrimes

Last updated 3 years ago

The price of fluctuates and yet its usable — not politically (due to climate/peakOil) but physically, its usable.

The same applies to CCs ().

The political issue with CCs is they are slowly making the defense about actual defence. Under a , wars cause real wealth loss, as opposed to just paper, re-printable wealth.

Good news for most — but not for those involved in the (M.I.Congress.Intel.Media ) Complex.


#oil #cryptocurrencies #hardCurrency #MICIMATT #academia #thinktank

Last updated 3 years ago

Its as if ppl needed an excuse to drop the .

An out.

They couldn't just tell the boss "this isn't really worth the inputs"? Could this be how we reach sustainability? The problem they think a will solve this but all that does is increase . Thus likely to have the reverse effect?

Imagine if fiat became the for the terminally stupid.

There were two parallel , and the .

#uselessJobs #moneyPump #inequality #LifeSupport #economies #hardCurrency #inflatingMess

Last updated 3 years ago

Without watching it sounds like what Prof. has been pushing for over a year now? The main problem with them that we see is they require, de-anonomising ppl in terms of when and what they do.

The actual remedy is moving to a . There should be no way to stoke bubbles in an , because it always leads to great with some ppl getting more help than others.

Taxing evenly based on is best, and a .

#stevekeen #hardCurrency #economy #inequality #consumption #embeddedEnergy #ubi

Last updated 3 years ago

Q: What would support today to continue the ?

A: An

You know where this ultimately goes if left unchecked, and linked to a CentralBankDigitalCurrency (). It means on a blockchain and close to the moneyPrinting being able to print themselves into *that can never be challenged by any government*.

Yes, it's very dangerous and we need to ensure NFT never gain above .

#margaretthatcher #neoliberalOrder #NFTOwningDemocracy #cbdc #LandTitles #cronyists #landOwnership #legitimacy #hardCurrency

Last updated 3 years ago

But over the last 100 years of (effective) for the well-connected, the have funded forever wars.

Would you trust the MICIMAT to print money for wars? That's really the zero sum of it. Govt need to be so they , and lead with and , not .

In a world, govts can't just print cash. Only the will fund the wars. Thus they will lose support from (who are the vast majority).


#moneyPrinting #MICIMAT #limited #serve #morals #fairtrade #might #hardCurrency #warhawks #mercentilists

Last updated 4 years ago

@alcinnz @bob @Shufei
This is why we say the system is so far gone that the only way we see to bring things back is by using ( and , the latter is easier and more liquid, , etc).

Yes, at the start of the bitcoin game some oligarchs might have a lot of it, but over time they have no choice but to spend it and thus their power will dilute. We think their power will dilute quickly.

Then and can succeed.

It won't be easy, just better.

#hardCurrency #gold #bitcoin #transportable #quality #justice

Last updated 5 years ago

The button appeared. Perhaps we had to reset .

is okay. etc.

To avoid though. These instruments should be implemented over a layer - not .

#fedilab #carbontax #CarbonTradingScheme #financialisation #hardCurrency #fiatCurrency

Last updated 5 years ago

@abeorch @strypey
There is literally nothing "modern" about .

Its also an .

have been doing MMT since they could print-money, that power was centralised circa 1913 and the effects are self-evident in the explosion of extreme , (where both sides were oft' funded by the same banker), and the increasing inequality, especially since 1971 (when all links to a were severed).

This is why we support /#landTax.

#modernmonetarytheory #environmentaldisaster #bankers #consumption #wars #hardCurrency #bitcoin

Last updated 5 years ago