We resist talking about expertise but we have learned all manner of design techniques. We spend a time communicating difficult but important topics like #exponentialGrowth, #populationGrowth and #overconsumption, which can typically be a bit dry and attract poor behaviors from some. So we try to relay info in nuanced ways.
In recent years our focus is on #UBI, #hardCurrency (bitcoin) and #bankerCrimes as we have identified these as integral to solving above.
Why do you ask?
#exponentialGrowth #populationGrowth #overconsumption #ubi #hardCurrency #bankerCrimes
The price of #oil fluctuates and yet its usable — not politically (due to climate/peakOil) but physically, its usable.
The same applies to CCs (#cryptocurrencies).
The political issue with CCs is they are slowly making the defense about actual defence. Under a #hardCurrency, wars cause real wealth loss, as opposed to just paper, re-printable wealth.
Good news for most — but not for those involved in the #MICIMATT (M.I.Congress.Intel.Media #Academia #ThinkTank) Complex.
#oil #cryptocurrencies #hardCurrency #MICIMATT #academia #thinktank
Its as if ppl needed an excuse to drop the #uselessJobs.
An out.
They couldn't just tell the boss "this isn't really worth the inputs"? Could this be how we reach sustainability? The problem they think a #moneyPump will solve this but all that does is increase #inequality. Thus likely to have the reverse effect?
Imagine if fiat became the #lifeSupport for the terminally stupid.
There were two parallel #economies, #hardCurrency and the #inflatingMess.
#uselessJobs #moneyPump #inequality #LifeSupport #economies #hardCurrency #inflatingMess
Without watching it sounds like what Prof. #SteveKeen has been pushing for over a year now? The main problem with them that we see is they require, de-anonomising ppl in terms of when and what they do.
The actual remedy is moving to a #hardCurrency. There should be no way to stoke bubbles in an #economy, because it always leads to great #inequality with some ppl getting more help than others.
Taxing #consumption evenly based on #embeddedEnergy is best, and a #UBI.
#stevekeen #hardCurrency #economy #inequality #consumption #embeddedEnergy #ubi
Q: What would #MargaretThatcher support today to continue the #neoliberalOrder?
A: An #NFTOwningDemocracy
You know where this ultimately goes if left unchecked, and linked to a CentralBankDigitalCurrency (#CBDC). It means #LandTitles on a blockchain and #cronyists close to the moneyPrinting being able to print themselves into #landOwnership *that can never be challenged by any government*.
Yes, it's very dangerous and we need to ensure NFT never gain #legitimacy above #hardCurrency.
#margaretthatcher #neoliberalOrder #NFTOwningDemocracy #cbdc #LandTitles #cronyists #landOwnership #legitimacy #hardCurrency
"Look we #printedMoney just for you. Now, give us those #landRegistries!!"
Add this to the list of reasons why we despise the #debtBasedPonzi, aka #fiatCurrency, and #centralBanks.
#printedMoney #LandRegistries #debtBasedPonzi #fiatCurrency #centralBanks #whyBitcoin #hardCurrency #hardMoralFibre
But over the last 100 years of (effective) #moneyprinting for the well-connected, the #MICIMAT have funded forever wars.
Would you trust the MICIMAT to print money for wars? That's really the zero sum of it. Govt need to be #limited so they #serve, and lead with #morals and #fairTrade, not #might.
In a #hardCurrency world, govts can't just print cash. Only the #warhawks will fund the wars. Thus they will lose support from #mercentilists (who are the vast majority).
#moneyPrinting #MICIMAT #limited #serve #morals #fairtrade #might #hardCurrency #warhawks #mercentilists
@alcinnz @bob @Shufei
This is why we say the system is so far gone that the only way we see to bring things back is by using #hardCurrency (#gold and #bitcoin, the latter is easier and more liquid, #transportable, etc).
Yes, at the start of the bitcoin game some oligarchs might have a lot of it, but over time they have no choice but to spend it and thus their power will dilute. We think their power will dilute quickly.
Then #quality and #justice can succeed.
It won't be easy, just better.
#hardCurrency #gold #bitcoin #transportable #quality #justice
The button appeared. Perhaps we had to reset #Fedilab.
#CarbonTax is okay. #CarbonTradingScheme etc.
To avoid #financialisation though. These instruments should be implemented over a #hardCurrency layer - not #fiatCurrency.
#fedilab #carbontax #CarbonTradingScheme #financialisation #hardCurrency #fiatCurrency
@abeorch @strypey
There is literally nothing "modern" about #ModernMonetaryTheory.
Its also an #environmentalDisaster.
#Bankers have been doing MMT since they could print-money, that power was centralised circa 1913 and the effects are self-evident in the explosion of extreme #consumption, #wars (where both sides were oft' funded by the same banker), and the increasing inequality, especially since 1971 (when all links to a #hardCurrency were severed).
This is why we support #bitcoin/#landTax.
#modernmonetarytheory #environmentaldisaster #bankers #consumption #wars #hardCurrency #bitcoin