Peeling hard boiled eggs can be a real struggle, but not anymore! πŸ‡πŸŒ·Get cracking on Easter egg prep with our Instant Pot recipe for easy-to-peel hard boiled eggs!

πŸ₯š 🎨They're perfect for decorating, hunting, or snacking on the go. Quick, healthy, and portable - you can't go wrong. 🐣

(Video DEMO)

#eastereggs #instantpot #hardboiledeggs #recipe #healthstyles

Last updated 2 years ago

Kit Muse · @KitMuse
177 followers · 147 posts · Server

This Gadget Makes Perfect Easter Eggs

I don't usually talk food and cooking on this blog. Both are a part of wellness, but there are so many factors which go into the topic including whether you're in a food desert, income levels, food availabilities, food sensistivies, same foods, eating disorders, and more. So often I don't talk about food directly. However, I recently r

#eggsteamer #hardboiledeggs #omlette

Last updated 2 years ago