I watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV between May 14th and May 27th.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #buffalobill #highlander #hillstreetblues #hunter #themarytylermooreshow #seinfeld #baretta #Kojak #theotherone #santabarbara #30rock #viper #werewolf #TheATeam #branded #thefamousteddyz #hardcastleandmccormick #rhoda #riptide #talesfromthecrypt #fernwoodtonight #inbedwithmedinner #three #thesixmilliondollarman #wonderwoman
#HardcastleAndMcCormick s2e7 (1984) - 8/10
1️⃣ Smart, layered script from series creator #PatrickHasburgh, who also directed.
2️⃣ #RayBuktenica is simply excellent as the villain.
3️⃣ The car chase (and car crash) at the end is *spectacular*.
#hardcastleandmccormick #patrickhasburgh #raybuktenica #80stv #ActionAdventure
1980s action shows.
What's your favourite from these 4? Why?
#hardcastleandmccormick #mikehammer #riptide #tjhooker #culttv #classictv #tvpoll #ActionAdventure #tvdetectives
📺 I love my '80s action shows.
Averages from the last 7 episodes I reviewed/rated.
1️⃣ #Riptide (8.4/10)
2️⃣ #HardcastleAndMcCormick (8.3/10)
2️⃣ #TJHooker (8.3/10)
4️⃣ #MikeHammer (6.1/10)
📺 Kinda not surprised to see that I like Hammer least, because the scripts are often weak/average.
📺 Kinda not surprised to see that I like Riptide most, because the scripts are mostly very good.
What's YOUR favourite from these 4?
#ClassicTV #CultTV #80sTV #80sTelevision #ActionAdventure #TVDetectives
#riptide #hardcastleandmccormick #tjhooker #mikehammer #classictv #culttv #80stv #80stelevision #ActionAdventure #tvdetectives
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 12 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #catweazle #highlander #midnightcaller #perfectstrangers #batman #foreverknight #myworldandwelcometoit #riptide #soap #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #benson #fernwoodtonight #hardcastleandmccormick #thehunger #idreamofjeannie #scoobydoo #taxi #talesfromthecrypt #thisisdavidlander #tjhooker #waroftheworlds #dustystrail #magnumpi #areyoubeingserved #viper
#HardcastleAndMcCormick s2e6 (1984) - 8/10
1️⃣ Because the guys aren’t private eyes, the show has to find inventive ways to get them into stories. This is one of the best ideas. Milt becomes a TV star!
2️⃣ Genuinely suspenseful middle sequence, where the psycho killer follows (and murders) one of the show’s producers, late at night in deserted offices. Really well done.
3️⃣ Great chemistry/humour between the leads here. Very funny, without actual gags in the script.
📺 My 237th TV episode of 2023.