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CNC Intaglio-Esque Engraving - Intaglio is an ancient carving technique for adding details to a workpiece, by man... -

#art #carving #intaglio #hardness #mohsscale #gemstones #cncengraving

Last updated 1 year ago

At its core bitcoin is — as defined by real economists. A real economist will tell you that money must be something that requires a non-trivial amount of energy to produce/procure, they call this "".

For thousands of years we used . It had to be mined, and so the act of it was proof-of-energy used, , proof that someone valued it enough to use a bit of on that rather than growing wheat, for example.

It procurement-'hardness' - not physical.

#mining #energy #money #hardness #gold #proofofwork

Last updated 3 years ago