Der YouTube Algorithmus denkt weil ich Dr. Mike lustig finde sollte ich Dr. Weigl anschauen, aber der hat nicht mal Bizeps in seinem Kasack, erzählt wie man Cellulite bekämpfen soll und versucht auch noch irgendein Buch zu verkaufen #hardNo
> There is.. evidence that the #HardNo is being spoken when the writer seems a traitor (#GrahamGreene..) to those whom he loves and who have conditioned his very way of responding to the world. When the writer says of precisely the cause that is dearest to him what is always and everywhere the truth about all causes; that it has been imperfectly conceived, inadequately represented, and that it is bound to be betrayed.. we know that he is approaching art.. greatness.
#LeslieFiedler #NoInThunder
#NoInThunder #LeslieFIedler #grahamgreene #hardno