A sobering read. As someone who has lost some hearing over a long period of time I only have a small understanding of what he is going through. The observation about small talk rings true though.
I am incredibly grateful to be working for a remote-first employer. #HardOfHearing #Disabled #RemoteWork #RemoteForLife #RemoteJobs #Remote #ClimateEmergency
#hardofhearing #disabled #remotework #remoteforlife #remotejobs #remote #climateemergency
@SallyStrange @mzedp honestly? I get that’s it’s funny for hearing folks, but for D/deaf/Hard of Hearing folks who rely on captions, substituting different words for profanity is infantalizing and also confusing.
Otherwise I also liked the video
#craptions #deaf #hardofhearing #captions #Profanity
Okay, I need some recommendations from people who are still taking #covid precautions or anyone with experience in the #deaf or #HardOfHearing community.
Starting next week, I'm doing a research project with a professor who's #deaf/hard of hearing. I don't know #ASL, so I need a good clear #mask.
I would just ask him to mask, but I know the virus can hang around for hours.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
#covid #deaf #hardofhearing #ASL #mask
Oh by the way, I posted a #SmallPoem recently about problems with hearing and the lack of it and being able - or not, as the case be - to wear hearing aids
I'm delighted to report that I'm able to wear to my aids again and can hear reasonably well too - for a #HardOfHearing person. 🙂
In one of the group chats, I stopped telling people not to send me voice notes. They are not practical for me because I don't wear my hearing aids for some time in the daytime.
I simply tell them I will reply when I can wear my hearing aids again.
It's futile to remind them that I prefer written words if they need my quick response. :(
#SFBART, #CalTrain, #Amtrak, #vta, #sfmuni, etc., all could do so much better at supporting #hardofhearing folk. the emphasis is on communicating via sound, to include #visuallyimpaired folx but the HoH facilities are at best poor--including the broken, unmaintained systems.
Improving #HoH accomodation would also benefit #actuallyautistic folx who must use hearing protection on trains, buses, & at stations.
#actuallyautistic #hoh #visuallyimpaired #hardofhearing #sfmuni #vta #amtrak #Caltrain #sfbart
@gyokusai The closed captions quality on GO2 really is horrid
#hoh #hardofhearing #deaf #deafawareness #hearingloss
I’ve often wondered what role haptic feedback could make in translating the aural world to the non-hearing.
I wear my Apple Watch overnight only if I must “hear” my alarm.
Vibrating vests translate music for deaf concertgoers https://www.rte.ie/news/newslens/2023/0727/1396758-deaf-concert/
Nothing turns me away faster from a #youtube video than lack of #captions. I don't just mean manmade #cc. I mean yes, ideally all videos would have professional #subtitles, but that's obviously wishing for way too much. But even auto cc are really helpful to me, and if a video doesn't have that, unless I'm on my computer where I can use chrome auto transcribe, I almost always don't watch the video, because I'm just going to be frustrated only understanding 15% of the words said.
#youtube #captions #cc #subtitles #hardofhearing
Popular misconception: all deaf people use #SignLanguage.
Here in the UK it's actually around 1% of the #Deaf, #Deafened and #HardOfHearing folks.
I'm not discrediting sign language, it's important, just that not all deaf people use it.
I think it's 40% of the over-50's and 70% of the over 70's with age related #HearingLoss too.
#signlanguage #deaf #deafened #hardofhearing #hearingloss
私は聴覚障害者(Hard of Hearing)のための旗を作りました - グラデーションカラーは様々な症状の程度を象徴しており、補聴器のマークは自己説明的なものです(補聴器をつけることを恥ずかしく感じている人々を元気づけるものです)。
#disability #disabled #HardOfHearing
#hardofhearing #disabled #disability
Being an avid #Theatre goer I have been a #Stagetext ambassador for many years. Stagetext provide #Captioning #Accessibility for the #Deaf and #HardOfHearing with both theatre and talks all across the UK. They provide an invaluable service and yet a lot of the #DeafCommunity are unaware of them.
So I'm raising some #DeafAwareness here for the UK folks, if you fancy going to the theatre or see if any talks take your fancy you can check Stagetext's 'What's On' listing here: https://www.stagetext.org/whats-on/
#DeafAccessibility #CaptionedTheatre #TheatreCaptions #TheatreCaptioning #Captions
#theatre #stagetext #captioning #accessibility #deaf #hardofhearing #deafcommunity #deafawareness #deafaccessibility #captionedtheatre #theatrecaptions #theatrecaptioning #captions
Est-ce que des personnes soucieuses de l'#AutodéfenseSanitaire ont connaissance de ce masque élastomère ? https://jellim.com/products/jelli-m1-transparent-face-mask-w-ear-loops
Si confortable, ce modèle serait particulièrement à adopter vis-à-vis des personnes malentendantes qui vivent un enfer en ne pouvant pas compléter la langue des signes par la lecture labiale/faciale avec les masques obstruant.
#autodefensesanitaire #hardofhearing #deaf #CovidIsNotOver
@Onj I love that you add Basic text #Transcript for your audio clips man, I think everybody should do that if they can to help out our #Deaf and #HardOfHearing friends, and anyone else who can't listen to the audio for whatever reason. But Especially #Blind people as we tend to post a lot of #audio and because so many of us push for #AltText
we could stand to spread some of that awareness around.
Thank you for being a good example for others!
#transcript #deaf #hardofhearing #blind #audio #alttext #accessibility #a11y #access
How do you figure out how to pronounce names/words you've never actually heard? Especially when #HardOfHearing and don't really know how we'll you're hearing anything to start with?
Some accents have subtle differences that are almost impossible to pick out. And I know getting names right is very important.
So... an #introduction.
I'm Azu 💙
I have been #writing half my life, though I still don't understand the tags people use to define their projects. I know #fantasy, I #write lots of #romance, intended or not, some #mystery...
I love to #read, I'm an avid #reader. I enjoy #detective #series, #thriller, and #paranormal #books. I'm an #ARC and #Beta reader, though I'm having difficulty with my times lately...
I'm #hardofhearing, have been for a little less than half my life and it's consuming all of it. I'm really tired...
I'm trying to learn some #pixelart, wanting to make my character image, and room, and house, and a whole map of a solo #TTRPG I'm playing. I'm not pretty consistent, though. I'm still fighting to understand the isometrics...
I'm new to Mastodon, have been trying to look around the important info, but I can't wrap my head around a lot of it at once, so please take me under your care.
I'm pretty reserved, constantly fighting to share things and be more open, but I really wish to find here a space where I can be myself and meet wonderful potential friends.
I have a more detailed introduction on Tumblr, if someone's interested...
That would be all for now. Thank you for reading 💙
#introduction #writing #fantasy #write #romance #mystery #read #reader #detective #series #thriller #paranormal #books #arc #beta #hardofhearing #pixelart #ttrpg
I wil be on #Twitch at 1pm eastern playing #CozyGrove
Come watch me play as I practice talking clearly to see if the live captions can write out what I'm really saying more often instead of random garbage.
I will try harder to narrate more of the game for blind users as well. But this is me practicing talking better too mostly
#twitch #cozygrove #accessibility #deaf #hardofhearing #lowvision #blind
Okay so for the streaming. I probably do need to practice talking clearer so that the captions work better? Live captions are known to be unreliable but it's also true I don't always speak as clearly as I should.
Also while I'm trying to make it more accessible to #Deaf/ #HardOfHearing I'm not doing anything for #LowVision/ #Blind people. Do people narrate everything as they're playing?
I'm not much of a talker to start with but maybe this will be good for me.
#deaf #hardofhearing #lowvision #twitch #accessibility #blind
@lteegs I learned a little in college and taught at a middle school with a significant D/HoH population and picked up a little more.- it’s a really cool language. There’s a whole culture too. If you get a chance to watch The Sound of Metal it does a good job of representing some of the conflicts within it. (If that’s not true and it got some stuff wrong y’all can let me know) #deaf #disability #hardOfHearing #movie
#deaf #disability #hardofhearing #movie