French Festival Researh #HardReduction #Drugs #PWUD #Cannabis #MDMA #NPS’s #Cocaine over 80% used drugs. Most checked what drugs did few checked how to reduce risk.
#hardreduction #drugs #pwud #cannabis #mdma #nps #cocaine
Nearly all the drug dealers that get caught are for stupid stuff like speeding and smelling of cannabis.
Given the low prosecution rates it just makes sense not to smoke at work? #HardReduction #CommonSense #Don’tDrugDrive #BurnerPhone
I’m seriously considering a “how not to deal drugs” guide or “drug dealing for dummies” book
#hardreduction #commonsense #don #burnerphone Research into how police decide whether to arrest people stopped and found with cannabis!
Shows societal privilege and racism (+ personal bias) impact criminal consequences- no surprise. Very good to see more evidence which can inform the practice of policing.
#HardReduction #Racism #BLM #Law #Crime #Cannabis #Prohibition #Drugs #SubstanceUse #PWUD #BlackMastodon
#hardreduction #racism #blm #law #crime #cannabis #prohibition #drugs #substanceuse #pwud #BlackMastodon