I'm a firm believer in the idea that, part of my job as a #horror writer, is to convince some part of your mind that what I'm writing about could be real. That's part of what I like about the #HardScifi / #HardFantasy subgenres, where we try to ground our #fiction in #science fact.
(continued: 1/2)
#science #fiction #hardfantasy #hardscifi #horror
⬆️ 📝 :d6: 🚀
La enquesta ja ha acabat, què en penseu dels resultats?
La encuesta ya ha acabado, ¿qué os parecen los resultados?
The poll has already finished, what do you think of the outcome?
#spaceopera #hardscifi #ttrpg #jocsderol #juegosderol
Final bump for the FINAL POLL on which of my #worldbuilding projects I focus on for the foreseeable future.
I swear, this'll be the last time I post and/or bump a poll for a while.
#HardSciFi #Halo #Traveller #SpecBio #DnD #Pathfinder #MorkBorg #Shadowdark #Cairn #DragonBall #FinalFantasy #TTRPG #TTRPGs
#worldbuilding #hardscifi #halo #traveller #specbio #DnD #pathfinder #MorkBorg #shadowdark #cairn #dragonball #finalfantasy #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Let's see who's bored scrolling Fedi on a Tuesday afternoon.
We're in the last 24 hours for the final poll of what #worldbuilding project I will talk about!
#HardSciFi #Halo #Traveller #SpecBio #DnD #Pathfinder #MorkBorg #Shadowdark #Cairn #DragonBall #FinalFantasy #TTRPG #TTRPGs
#worldbuilding #hardscifi #halo #traveller #specbio #DnD #pathfinder #MorkBorg #shadowdark #cairn #dragonball #finalfantasy #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Once again, I am asking for you to vote on what #worldbuilding project I will talk about for the foreseeable future!
#HardSciFi #Halo #Traveller #SpecBio #DnD #Pathfinder #MorkBorg #Shadowdark #Cairn #DragonBall #FinalFantasy #TTRPG #TTRPGs
#worldbuilding #hardscifi #halo #traveller #specbio #DnD #pathfinder #MorkBorg #shadowdark #cairn #dragonball #finalfantasy #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Bippity boppity bump
The FINAL poll for what #worldbuilding project I will work on and talk about is still up!
#HardSciFi #Halo #Traveller #SpecBio #DnD #Pathfinder #MorkBorg #Shadowdark #Cairn #DragonBall #FinalFantasy #TTRPG #TTRPGs
#worldbuilding #hardscifi #halo #traveller #specbio #DnD #pathfinder #MorkBorg #shadowdark #cairn #dragonball #finalfantasy #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Per cert #JugadorsDeRol , què us agrada més? (els impulsos per a que arribi a més persones son benvinguts)
Por cierto #JugadoresDeRol , ¿qué os gusta más? (los impulsos para que llegue a más personas son bienvenidos)
By the way #RolePlayers , what do you like most? (boosts to reach more persons welcomed)
#jugadorsderol #jugadoresderol #roleplayers #spaceopera #hardscifi #ttrpg #jocsderol #juegosderol
Bump for the final poll for what #worldbuilding project I work on and talk about for the foreseeable future!
#HardSciFi #Halo #Traveller #SpecBio #DnD #Pathfinder #MorkBorg #Shadowdark #Cairn #DragonBall #FinalFantasy #TTRPG #TTRPGs
#worldbuilding #hardscifi #halo #traveller #specbio #DnD #pathfinder #MorkBorg #shadowdark #cairn #dragonball #finalfantasy #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Project: LABOR
Synopsis: A #Halo inspired #HardSciFi world that I originally intended for a video game. It's entire premise is centered around the question: "What would really happen if humans and aliens found themselves in competition?"
It'll feature some #SpecBio as well to create a believable alien race for the setting.
Might adapt for use with #Traveller.
#halo #hardscifi #specbio #traveller
FINAL POLL for what #worldbuilding project I will talk about for the foreseeable future!
I'll outline each project in more detail in the thread.
#HardSciFi #Halo #Traveller #SpecBio #DnD #Pathfinder #MorkBorg #Shadowdark #Cairn #DragonBall #FinalFantasy #TTRPG #TTRPGs
#worldbuilding #hardscifi #halo #traveller #specbio #DnD #pathfinder #MorkBorg #shadowdark #cairn #dragonball #finalfantasy #ttrpg #ttrpgs
OK, since we ended the last poll on a 50-50 split, guess it's time to just list my projects and see which one takes the prize.
First up:
LABOR - a #Halo inspired, #HardSciFi setting about a first-contact war between humans and aliens.
Lancer - unraveling the science behind #Lancer's worldbuilding.
Urd - #SpecBio project in the form of in-universe documentation.
Endless Space - a #Starfinder setting modeled after the Endless Universe by Amplitude Games.
#halo #hardscifi #lancer #specbio #starfinder
A amassing use of a dramatic monologue as narrative devise: Go Easy by P.E. Rowe
A grate #scifi short story | #Sci-fi Short #Audiobook
Just listened to this grate short story, if like me you are in to mind uploading and Artificial intelligence try this.
#ArtificialAfterlives #ScienceFiction #HardSciFi #hardScienceFiction
#hardsciencefiction #hardscifi #sciencefiction #artificialafterlives #indieauthor #books #audiobook #sci #scifi
#Read the second in The Biomass Conflux with To a Fungus Unknown! 40 years after a fleet builds a colony on a planet covered by sentient fungus, they learn how to communicate...
#hardscifi #scifi #spaceship, #fungus #mycelium
#read #hardscifi #scifi #spaceship #fungus #mycelium
Try out Of Mycelium and Men, where a generational fleet lands on a planet covered by sentient fungus--except they don't *know* it's sentient...
#hardscifi #scifi #spaceship, #fungus #mycelium
#hardscifi #scifi #spaceship #fungus #mycelium
#introduction 3! I AM ALSO EXTREMELY INTO.... #books and #reading. I particularly enjoy #SciFi and #HardScienceFiction / #HardSciFi - generally anything by #JoeHaldeman #JohnScalzi #DennisETaylor #MarkoKloos #PoulAnderson #AndyWeir #AdrianTchaikovsky. I would absolutely LOVE it if people suggested books to me as I'm not very good at finding ones I like. The #Bobiverse series was probably my most favourite recent read. Again I welcome interaction about this.
#Introduction #books #reading #scifi #HardScienceFiction #hardscifi #joehaldeman #johnscalzi #dennisetaylor #markokloos #PoulAnderson #andyweir #AdrianTchaikovsky #Bobiverse
Coincidentally reading *Ministry for the Future * (by #KimStanleyRobinson) while seeing headlines about the #hottest day ever recorded on Earth and articles about unsurvivable wet-bulb temperatures.
I highly recommend the book. (It’s both enjoyable and existentially terrifying.)
I am also genuinely hopeful we (as a species) can get through the #climateCrisis. Sadly not nearly so hopeful we’ll get there without a *lot* of very bad times first, though.
#kimstanleyrobinson #hottest #climatecrisis #climate #climatechange #hardscifi #scifi
Don't wait to enter this contest and pick up some awesome #scifi, #spaceopera, #hardscifi, and #dystopian #books!
#Check out the #free books also available!
#scifi #spaceopera #hardscifi #dystopian #books #check #free #readerscommunity #BooksWorthReading #writerslift
Klektcha could barely contain himself as he felt the space-elevator slip down into the waters of his birth-planet, Chishos 4. The moment the doors finished unsealing and slid apart, he gently pushed himself out, resisting the urge to break wake-regulations and swim hard into the open waters.
He loved serving on the Blue Octave, but the cramped confines of a spaceship left his body aching for open waters...
(cntd in thread)
#HardScifi #Scifi #Alien #Fish #MicroFiction
#microfiction #fish #alien #scifi #hardscifi
Essa série é uma doidera mds to amando https://m.imdb.com/title/tt20242042/ #serie #scifi #hardscifi
Oh, yes, and #EveryGramCounts as you stated here:
The question is I haven't seen any #HardSciFi #Roleplaying #Games in which playing characters are created thinking in the the design of the rocket they will pilot (i.e. the rocket equation) leaving aside other physiological and cultural issues.
#everygramcounts #hardscifi #roleplaying #games