RT @Hywel_Morgan@twitter.com
We’ve contributed £3075.92 - the monthly pay of a #WestEnd performer before deductions - to @RMTunion@twitter.com’s #HardshipFund as a gesture of #solidarity.
Without them, many of our Stage Managers, Performers and Audiences couldn’t travel to and from home safely every day.
#RailStrikes https://twitter.com/equityuk/status/1600539314311819264
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Hywel_Morgan/status/1602607060281180162
#westend #hardshipfund #solidarity #railstrikes
This Christmas, consider giving some hard 💸💸💸 to the Cambridge solidarity fund! Helping those in need in the UK's most unequal city, with no strings financial aid 💚 #mutualaid #financialcrisis #hardshipfund
#mutualaid #financialcrisis #hardshipfund
Support UC workers! I did and you can too! Go my mastachamps! Can't spell UC without a you!
#hardshipfund #uc #uaw #strike #academiclabor