Personally, I do like the fact that #ServeTheHome isn't just doing #HardwarePorn like #LinusTechTips but also looking at more affordable and reasonable options.
#ReUse & #UseLonger are not only cheaper but also more envoirmentally friendly, and from my personal experience, getting some relatively-new #ThinClient that may even be #fanless is a cheao, easy and useful starting point for a #MiniServer...
#miniserver #fanless #thinclient #uselonger #reuse #linustechtips #hardwareporn #servethehome
May I ask for more hardware pictures of your #micromirror efforts (and thelike)? Like open/closed/installed on site... I very much like watching stuff like that, it would enrich my timeline greatly and I assume that you are at the source
CW: #hardwareporn ;)
Used this on a recent trip and I won't leave home without it now, used it today in a coffeeshop powered by a usb c battery
#techie #tech #techblog #hardwareporn #review
Here's how I juggle embedded projects (home office/workspace tour) - Jay Carlson
#hardwareporn #electronics #workbench #rangement
Chignole à manivelle, détails du mécanisme.
Mécanisme astucieux pour "changer de vitesse", deux liaisons pivot. J'apprends des choses sur wikipedia
#outils #lowtech #retro #hardwareporn
Chignole à manivelle (penser l'ancêtre des perceuses) retrouvée dans l'atelier de famille. On va essayer un petit nettoyage.
Et j'ai appris un nouveau mot.
#retro #hardwareporn #lowtech #bricolage #huiledecoude
#hardware #hardwareporn #fanless
Remplacement du Wraith Stealth de mon #Ryzen par un Le Grand Macho RT (1kg d'aluminium)
On va d'abord essayer le fanless, et selon la température on mettra peut être le 140mm pour refroidir
#ryzen #fanless #hardwareporn #hardware