#HardwickHall #nationalTrust #history
Detail from an amazing inlaid veneer table in the Great Hall at Hardwick.
#History #nationaltrust #hardwickhall
#hardwickHall #blackMirror
Terrifying dark mirror from Bess of Hardwick’s house.
#ghosts #haunted
#haunted #ghosts #blackmirror #hardwickhall
Today's poem:
Bess of Hardwick: Four Times a Lady
- by Horace Warpole
#BessOfHardwick #HoraceWarpole #HardwickHall #poetry #ditty #history
#bessofhardwick #horacewarpole #hardwickhall #poetry #ditty #history
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: the garden, Hardwick Hall.
#HardwickHall #garden #architecture #landscaping #elizabethan #cheshire #StatelyHome #BessOfHardwick
#hardwickhall #garden #architecture #landscaping #elizabethan #cheshire #statelyhome #bessofhardwick
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: the facade of Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire.
#HardwickHall #BessOfHardwick #architecture #Elizabethan #derbyshire #StatelyHome #CountryHouse
#hardwickhall #bessofhardwick #architecture #elizabethan #derbyshire #statelyhome #countryhouse
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: the fireplace in the Long Gallery, Hardwick Hall.
#LongGallery #HardwickHall
#fireplace #renaissance #architecture #tudor #elizabethan
#longgallery #hardwickhall #fireplace #renaissance #architecture #tudor #elizabethan