Roses are red, violets are blue, when the disk proper grows, hippo stretches peripodial epithelium too. 🌹
A new post from Girish Kale covering a #preprint led by another #preLighter: Sophia Friesen who works in the #HariharanLab
Check it out! 👉
#preprint #prelighter #hariharanlab
Happy New Year! 🎆 Two preLights to kick off 2023.
2nd: urban-adapted mosquitoes may spread malaria to new regions as the Earth warms 🦟🌎 - an important (and alarming) #preprint from Sadie J. Ryan, Catherine A. Lippi and colleagues.
By #preLighter Sophia Friesen #HariharanLab #Berkeley
#preprint #prelighter #hariharanlab #Berkeley