@davetansley @anonymous_x I'm playing the 128K version of right now on my and you'd be surprised how well it plays!

Yes, at first it looks odd, even trashy to the user's eye but: since I have a soft spot for the and since I have made myself familiar with the user experience it delivers, I don't think it's that bad at all!

The only annoying thing I noticed is that when the gear shift is showing "Hi" on the Spectrum version, you're actually in "Lo" gear ... how ever that passed through testing ... 🤣​

#buggyboy #harlequin128k #c64 #speccy #zxspectrum

Last updated 2 years ago

Today I feel ...

... !!

.oO(when placed between my and my , cat "Otto" made his choice!)

So, cat-ching up ^^ on an older conversation, it's (128K version) on the today!

#speccy #modular64 #harlequin128k #buggyboy #zxspectrum

Last updated 2 years ago

@confusedbunny @davetansley thanks for the recommendation - as a kid I played the version. I will give the version a try on my later today.

#c64 #speccy #harlequin128k

Last updated 2 years ago

@Cloudscout @duhproject why not build one yourself? There's the replica PCB and rubber key membranes and replica cases are also available. Plus: you'd be proud to have built this legendary system yourself.

Just a thought ...


Last updated 2 years ago

famiclone · @famiclone
5 followers · 30 posts · Server retrochat.online

I was hoping the DTV would be an easy weekend project after finishing the …USB power is working, but no keyboard seems to work with it. Info on modding it is getting more scarce, and mine is not as common (early NTSC version).

#c64 #harlequin128k #zxspectrum

Last updated 2 years ago

famiclone · @famiclone
5 followers · 30 posts · Server retrochat.online
famiclone · @famiclone
2 followers · 22 posts · Server retrochat.online

Well it looks like I’ve failed, just getting a garbage screen. Reseated all the chips, cleaned the board some more, no luck. I’m wondering how optional the diodes and resistors are for the joystick, maybe I need to solder those in too? Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated! :spectrum:

#harlequin128k #zxspectrum #soldering #fail #sinclair #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #diy #help #speccy #Spectrum

Last updated 2 years ago

@jimblimey when I started to get into the world, this page served me so well. I even found some nice progreamming tools (Assembler, Compilers for BASIC) there.

Have you seen those posts by @retrovulcano - they're posting a lot of interesting *new* releases for the Speccy and I guess come holidays, I'll do some gaming on my

#zxspectrum #harlequin128k

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Moore · @chrismoore
36 followers · 38 posts · Server fosstodon.org

My new that I soldered last weekend!

Worked first time on trying the diag ROM, so swapped for a +2 ROM. The only slight problem was the keyboard membrane ribbon making contact with the metal casing of the RGB output, so had to put a bit of insulation tape there - probably needs a nice solution.

#harlequin128k #zxspectrum

Last updated 2 years ago

My desk. First photograph is from 2018 when I was testing my now-discontinued Contiki BBS on my beloved - this was *before* I learned about computer kits such as the or the

Second photograph is from this morning, after having built four and one kit in the past two years.

Add to this the fact that since I built my very first RC2014 kit in 2020, I was eventually able to use the 8085 assembler knowledge from some 30 years ago and you see what happened.

My name is @Wintermute_BBS and I eventually start to become a dude, I guess ...

(...don't worry though, building a replica is already planned as my next soldering project)

#commodore64 #8bit #rc2014 #harlequin128k #z80

Last updated 2 years ago

@LittleAlex@chaos.social ah, verstehe. Das wusste ich noch nicht das die so anfällig sind (und das die ne eigene ULA haben!). Ich habe mir für meinen jetzt ein DivMMC interface geleistet und will die Tage mal mit TR-DOS images und deren Handling herumspielen.

Ich bin gerade dabei, über besagten Kollegen die Möglichkeiten für weitere 1bis auszuloten. Mal sehen ob ich Glück habe. Das Teil selber ist ja Open Source Hardware, aber da sind mir zu viele SMD Komponenten drauf, als das ich mir son Teil selber basteln würde.


Last updated 2 years ago

time for some big screen action tonight


Last updated 2 years ago

been playing this nice game all day long:


#zxspctrum #harlequin128k

Last updated 2 years ago

And another important utensil I found in the "special offers, need to go out" section of a german retro vendor: the "Dust Cover for ZX Spectrum" - and I was lucky to get the last but one, still in original packaging and mint condition!

#dudebuildingaspeccy #harlequin128k #zxspectrum

Last updated 2 years ago

Wisdom of the day: "Jetpac" is actually very playable once you have a Kempston joystick interface.


#Jetpac #harlequin128k #zxspectrum #dudebuildingaspeccy

Last updated 2 years ago

Another great for the is "Ossuary", which was released by Cyningstan in 2013. It's a rock solid with all the important ingredients: magic items, various weapons, shields and dungeon levels full of monters to slay!

One needs to find out what combination of items will have the best effect on the endless stream of monsters, rising in strength as the player delves deeper and deeper into the dungeon. Being able to save and load games is a useful and appreciated feature and it doesn't spoil or make the game easier at all.

"Ossuary" is visually appealing, the colors and graphics are remarkable. Even more remarkable is the fact that this game will run on any Speccy - from the early 16K model to the +3 - putting it all in 16K of RAM is a feat!!

You can find the game here:


p.s.: forgive the slightly skewed image, using my mobile to photograph my 7" lcd the is connected to.

#game #zxspectrum #roguelike #harlequin128k #dudebuildingaspeccy

Last updated 2 years ago

Now that I have a working machine and a whole week off, it's time for the old Commodore 64 kid to start exploring the (to me) new, fantastic and unknown world of ZX Spectrum gaming.

I'm using the "ZX Tape Player" app as a tape recorder replacement since it is also more comfortable than having to plug audio cables in the back of my PC.

So here is a photo of me flying a quick round of "Gunship" on the - it took me some time to get used to loading and "rewinding" the tape to load the individual missions but it works now.

I played this "simulator" on the back in the day but I must say the Speccy port of the game is a job well done! The wireframe 3d seems slightly faster on the Speccy (something I expected) and I am very impressed by the instrument graphics and the overall display of the cockpit.

It's amazing that after all these decades I even remembered how to start the engines and take off!

#android #harlequin128k #zxspectrum #commodore64 #dudebuildingaspeccy

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm a little surprised to see that there is no mention of the ZX Spectrum replica in the english article although other clones and re-creations such as the Uno are being mentioned. This is strange as in my reception the Harlequin 128k seems to be the most common or known clone.

#harlequin128k #wikipedia

Last updated 2 years ago

@k well the I have looks nice indeed but it is not the same tihing - the Speccy ( ) I soldered myself three weeks ago, taking time and care and not knowing if it would run at all. This makes me fell a little more connected to it, just like I feel more connected to the machines I've built since 2020.

These machines were not part my youth, that was the - but they are part of my current, newly lit passion ...

#c64 #harlequin128k #rc2014 #commodore64

Last updated 2 years ago