📍: Bridge 23A, Footbridge Over Backstream
ℹ️: track bridge
🗺: https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=51.7949128517455&mlon=0.131258015454113#map=17/51.7949128517455/0.131258015454113
📸: Photo by Peter O'Connor aka anemoneprojectors on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/58414938@N00/30376874461
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #2016 #essex #gayoutdoorclub #goc #gochertfordshire #gocsawbridgeworth #harlow #harlowmilllock #hertfordshiregoc #kodakeasysharez981 #lock #lock8 #outdoor #riverstort #stortnavigation #z981 #kodak
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #essex #gayoutdoorclub #goc #gochertfordshire #gocsawbridgeworth #harlow #harlowmilllock #hertfordshiregoc #kodakeasysharez981 #lock #lock8 #outdoor #riverstort #stortnavigation #z981 #kodak
Zeit abzustillen | Abgestillt
Ist es nicht absurd, dass wir die Muttermilch einer anderen Spezies konsumieren?Bist du schon #ABGESTILLT oder trinkst du noch Kuhmuttermilch?#ABGESTILLT Aktion am #WELTMILCHTAG (01.06.2023)
https://www.abgestillt.eu/ #milch #Kälber #Kalb
Kennt ihr die #Harlow Experimente?
Die Liebe zählt
Nahrung, Berührung, Zuwendung – was stärkt die Mutter-Kind-Bindung am meisten? Der Psychologe Harry Harlow ergründete dies in den 1950er Jahren mit grausamen #Affenexperimenten. Diese #Experimente wurden als unethisch verurteilt. Mit den #Kälbern wird aber hier millionenfach so umgegangen, wie geht das zusammen? #Fleischparadox #kognitive #Dissonanz https://www.spektrum.de/magazin/warum-brauchen-jungtiere-ihre-muetter-und-was-verraet-das-ueber-die-natur-der-fuersorge/1576114
#Dissonanz #kognitive #fleischparadox #kalbern #experimente #affenexperimenten #deprivation #harlow #kalb #kalber #milch #WeltMilchTag #abgestillt
#Elezioni #RegnoUnito #Locali #Inghilterra
I #CON|Centro-destra mantengono il controllo del Consiglio comunale di #Harlow.
#elezioni #regnounito #locali #inghilterra #con #harlow
a welcome to @UNtER4 - something to watch and listen to for you guys and all the others - - -
een #korte #film over het ontstaan van de #Lambert #Hills #painting van #Steve #Harlow – gemaakt in samenwerking met Stephen L. Harlow, #Ruth #Parson en #ferrie = #differentieel
Listen at https://ferrie.audio/2011/02/the-making-of-the-lambert-hills-painting/
#korte #film #lambert #hills #painting #steve #harlow #ruth #parson #ferrie #differentieel
@jk The London & Southern Counties Mouse & Rat Club, based in #Harlow and #Enfield, used to have a page on their site where you could view mouse-like rodents and guess if they were a mouse or juvenile rat (alas, its no longer on their new site, but the trick is to look at the ears; mice have bigger, rounder ears) 🐁 🐀
An allotment set up by a disabled woman in #Harlow #Essex to feed local families suffering from the cost of living crisis has been vandalised, with several kilos of salt poured onto the land to attempt to make it unusable.
This is not the sort of thing local kids/teenagers would casually do...
"I don't spill my French till I'm leavin'."
Conduct yourselves accordingly.
#ClassicFilm #OldHollywood #harlow
RT @EssexPoliceUK@twitter.com
Can you help us find missing man Ryan Turner from #Harlow.
He is described as a white man, with a ginger beard and tattoos on his neck, behind his ears and his arms.
If you see him or know where he is, please call 999 quoting 591 of 22 December.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EssexPoliceUK/status/1606013572701491200
RT @NewsHarlow@twitter.com
Follow @NewsHarlow@twitter.com for #Harlow #Essex news #HarlowNews
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NewsHarlow/status/1606013596940570637
Still copies out in the wild... #DoctorWho #DWM #DoctorWhoMagazine #Harlow
#doctorwho #dwm #DoctorWhoMagazine #harlow