@HeyeBodo @benni lässt uns über Rungholt reden. 😊 Nee, eigentlich hab ich eine ganz andere Idee (#Harn #regelleicht).
»Everyone will come to her #funeral to make sure that she stays dead«
Love as a tree of live
»Autonomously sexual assistance«, what for
What's about the carbon #footprint in this process
the cost of nurture in the #hotel
she have to wait
It's easier to commit suicide by trains or cars
due to #nazi #prussian law it's #prohibited until today
with assisted #sex she has new friends and a bit of #passion is back now
she wants to live go on like that until she is #dead to be #harn to the environment
#funeral #footprint #Hotel #nazi #prussian #prohibited #sex #passion #dead #harn
#nowplaying: #DEADCANDANCE - #TheHostofSeraphim
Back in the day (aka the 80s and the 90s), we used #DCD as our #ttrpg background music. Nowadays, I would use them for the opening credits
for fantasy medieval games like #WFRP #Harn #HeirsToHeresy...
I saw them live at a opera, a very memorable concert. Inspiring stuff beyond our gaming table(s)...
#nowplaying #DeadCanDance #thehostofseraphim #DCD #ttrpg #WFRP #harn #heirstoheresy #noise23 #ambient #neoclassic
The Harnworld Kickstarter has 5 days to go! If you ever wanted to check out what Harn is about, this is the book to get! It’s system agnostic! Plus, get one of the Kingdom books, and the famous vinyl map while you’re at it! #ttrpg #harn https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/columbiagames/harnworld-medieval-fantasy-rpg-setting-hardback
@HeyeBodo Wir sind ähnlicher Meinung. Unfassbar. Midgard ist und bleibt für mich "geerdete #HighFantasy". Gewissermaßen eine Antithese zu #DnD Kitchen Sink... Nicht so krass wie #Harn, aber klar in diese Richtung. Das war/ist gut so. Biedermeierfantasy bietet schon #DSA...
@HeyeBodo Verspotte mich nur. Guten Morgen. Ich bewundere #Stonetop für seine Liebe zum #Fantasy Genre, anders als #DnD und seine Klonen sehe ich in seiner #DNA jedoch #Earthdawn, #Runeuest, #beyondthewall #KingofDragonPass #Harn u. Ä.
Mich begeistert das „Kulturrollenspiel“, es geht um eine Gesellschaft (#Stonetop) und den Bezug zu ihr. Monster, Dungeons und magische Gegenstände, die teilweise supergeil sind, werden in dieser krassen Sandbox mit Liebe in einen gewissen Kontext gesetzt. Respekt.
#Stonetop #fantasy #dnd #dna #earthdawn #runeuest #beyondthewall #kingofdragonpass #harn
Harn or Middle Earth, Harn or Middle Earth. Trying to decide on one to commit time to for an RPG fantasy setting. I have been tempted by ME but I do like the lower magic side of Harn. May end up just reading into both. I mean, I can always choose not to choose.
#ttrpg #tolkien #Harnmaster #harn #gurps
Has anyone here played #harn in any form?
There is a game of it at the local tabletop game my Dad and I are thinking of playing, but it sound kind of intimidating.
They are using it to run a Firefly game.
Link: https://sched.co/Kxnt
Deciding if we want to move from Call of Cthulhu to it.
I just found this site and I am very pleased.
I've been very interested in playing #Hârn or #Harn (or maybe playing #Banestorm) in GURPS. However, I think that playing it in another system that I've been curious about for a while, #BurningWheel, would be, perhaps, even better. If I don't like it, it might be possible to convert it to GURPS, anyway. #Fantasy
#hârn #harn #banestorm #burningwheel #fantasy