69 years ago:
Forbidden Cargo (UK)
Kenyon is a narcotics agent who, with the aid of a titled bird-watcher attempts to trap a brother and sister drug smuggling team.
#ForbiddenCargo #HaroldFrench #JackWarner #NigelPatrick #TerenceMorgan #AnneVCoates #WomenInFilm #Film
#forbiddencargo #haroldfrench #jackwarner #nigelpatrick #terencemorgan #annevcoates #womeninfilm #film
68 years ago:
The Man Who Loved Redheads (UK)
Framed in flashback, The Man Who Loved Redheads is an anecdotal comedy about a man (John Justin) whose life is defined by his first romantic experience. That liaison occurred in Justin's youth, when the young man matures and enters the diplomatic world, he spends the rest of his career searching for...
#TheManWhoLovedRedheads #HaroldFrench #GladysCooper #DenholmElliott #HarryAndrews #ClassicFilm
#themanwholovedredheads #haroldfrench #gladyscooper #denholmelliott #harryandrews #classicfilm