Oggi sul Corriere della Sera; appuntamento a Milano h.18.30, Umanitaria, v.S.Barnaba 48, ingresso libero. #andreagpinketts #harpercollins #mastolibri
#andreagpinketts #harpercollins #mastolibri
Ci vediamo sabato 1° luglio in piazza 1° maggio a Cattolica: per il 50° #MystFest, la serata del V Premio #andreagpinketts, con le prime due uscite della riedizione #HarperCollins dei romanzi con #lazzarosantandrea Partecipa #associazioneandreagpinketts
#libri #pinketts #narrativa #narrativaitaliana #libridaleggere #mastolibri
#mystfest #andreagpinketts #harpercollins #lazzarosantandrea #associazioneandreagpinketts #libri #pinketts #narrativa #narrativaitaliana #libridaleggere #mastolibri
As an #ABCAustralia lover, I was familiar with #EricCampbell's TV reporting. And it was a shock when the news broke in 2003 that he'd been injured and cameraman, Paul Moran, killed in a suicide car bomb attack in Northern Iraq.
The dangers Campbell faced as an award-winning ABC foreign correspondent are underscored by the line on the cover of his 2005 memoir, #Absurdistan (#HarperCollins), "a bumpy ride through some of the world's scariest, weirdest places".
The book is post #137 of my #bookcovers and #firstsentences homage on Instagram and opens with Acknowledgements and a Prologue, set in a hospital after the car bombing. But I chose to quote his first sentences from Chapter 1, Leaving, in my post:
Some people become television journalists to shine light in the darkness, making films to expose injustice and build understanding. More do it just for the money. Many see television as glamorous; a few hope it will make them famous. But to my knowledge, nobody ever became a television reporter to film caravan parks in East Gippsland. It was just how things worked out for me.
Link to post on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj_PidGlSSK/
#abcaustralia #ericcampbell #absurdistan #harpercollins #bookcovers #firstsentences
Sabato 20 maggio 2023, ore 14, Salone del Libro di Torino, Sala Granata, Pad. 3: #dariabignardi #omarpedrini #carlocarabba e #andreacarlocappi presentano la nuova #collanaeditoriale di #harpercollins dedicata ai #libri di #andreagpinketts curati dall'Ass. Cult. A. G. Pinketts; letture di #fabriziodegiovanni #narrativaitaliana #pinketts #salonedellibro #SaLTo #letteraturaitaliana #mastolibri
#dariabignardi #OmarPedrini #carlocarabba #andreacarlocappi #collanaeditoriale #harpercollins #libri #andreagpinketts #fabriziodegiovanni #narrativaitaliana #pinketts #salonedellibro #salto #letteraturaitaliana #mastolibri
Lanciata da #harpercollins la collana di #libri dedicata ad #andreagpinketts, a cura dell'associazione culturale a questi dedicata. Ora in libreria i primi due volumi, i successivi a settembre. https://www.harpercollins.it/andrea-g-pinketts/?fbclid=IwAR3HWL4-Tk_D34dgMoaUJmCTVSjw2MvA1pxaKujOhUZRey-Z7qQmDrHFl_8
#harpercollins #libri #andreagpinketts
Lazzaro torna fuori! Ora in libreria da #harpercollins le nuove edizioni dei #romanzi di #andreagpinketts con #lazzarosantandrea In appendice i contenuti speciali dell'autore; a cura dell'Associazione Culturale Andrea G. Pinketts; prefazioni di #andreacarlocappi #libri #mastolibri #narrativa
#harpercollins #romanzi #andreagpinketts #lazzarosantandrea #andreacarlocappi #libri #mastolibri #narrativa
Time to boycott #Hachette, #HarperCollins, #JohnWileyAndSons, and #Penguin #RandomHouse.
#hachette #harpercollins #johnwileyandsons #penguin #randomhouse #internetarchive
- Use Library Genesis & Anna's Archive
- Help build or support a shadow library that isn't on some white libertarian nonsense
Then people don't have to use the above two
- Destroy the multinational corporate behemoths behind the lawsuit
(Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins Publishers, John Wiley & Sons, and Penguin Random House)
- Overthrow the illegitimate government which issued the ruling
Fascist police states built on slavery & genocide are bad, actually
#Libraries #Publishers #Books #Corporations #Monopoly #DigitalLibraries #Censorship #Copyright #FairUse #PublicCommons #DigitalCommons #Authors #BookPreservation #History #Culture #CDL #InternetArchive #LibGen #AnnasArchive #Hachette #HarperCollins #Wiley #PenguinRandomHouse
#libraries #publishers #books #corporations #monopoly #digitallibraries #censorship #copyright #fairuse #publiccommons #digitalcommons #authors #bookpreservation #history #culture #cdl #internetarchive #libgen #AnnasArchive #Hachette #harpercollins #wiley #penguinrandomhouse
¡Aiya Tolkiendili!
¡Tenemos estupendas noticias! #HarperCollins sacará en septiembre una versión de «El Hobbit» (en inglés) en formato grande e ilustrado por #Tolkien.
¿Pensáis comprarlo? 🤭😉
#harpercollins #tolkien #tolkienbooks
Ars Technica: Book publishers with surging profits struggle to prove Internet Archive hurt sales https://arstechnica.com/?p=1925368 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #PenguinRandomHouse #InternetArchive #HarperCollins #JohnWiley&Son #copyrightact #hachette #Policy #ebooks #DMCA
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #penguinrandomhouse #internetarchive #harpercollins #johnwiley #copyrightact #hachette #policy #ebooks #dmca
Book publishers with surging profits struggle to prove Internet Archive hurt sales - Enlarge (credit: feellife | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
Today,... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1925368 #penguinrandomhouse #internetarchive #harpercollins #johnwiley&son #copyrightact #hachette #policy #ebooks #dmca
#dmca #ebooks #policy #Hachette #copyrightact #johnwiley #harpercollins #internetarchive #penguinrandomhouse
Jason Derulo Has Fallen Onto the Pages of His First Book #2023_03_02 #vulture #wolfgang_ruth #jason_derulo #cats #books #book_deal #music #harpercollins #sing_your_name_out_loud_15_rules
#2023_03_02 #vulture #wolfgang_ruth #jason_derulo #cats #books #book_deal #music #harpercollins #sing_your_name_out_loud_15_rules
The HarperCollins union is continuing the noble human tradition of working together for the common good. As mentioned earlier, this win will ripple out through the industry, as some companies raise wages to prevent unionization in their workforce, as other companies see their own strikes, and a new industry standard wage is set.
That’s a huge change, especially when you remember that it came from less than 300 people, plus however many supported them through the strike.
#solidarity #union
#unions #HarperCollins
#Strike #CollectiveAction #Organize #Organizing
#Solidarity #union #unions #harpercollins #strike #collectiveaction #organize #organizing
Congrats to the workers of #HarperCollins! Just read that after a three month strike, they won their contract.
Solidarity from a #SEIU member! Glad you got what you're owed. On to the next one!
#Solidarity #SolidarityForever #UAW #UAW2110 #SEIU1199 #Union #Victory
#harpercollins #seiu #solidarity #solidarityforever #uaw #uaw2110 #seiu1199 #union #victory
HarperCollins Union ratified its new contract on Thursday, ending a months-long standoff for better pay and benefits.
#techlabor #bookpublishing #HarperCollins #unions #labor #Books
#techlabor #bookpublishing #harpercollins #unions #labor #books
RT @hcpunion
Big News!!! We have voted to ratfiy the contract and will be returning to work 2/21. We're excited to get back to work and join our colleagues again.
#HarperCollinsUnion #hcponstrike #harpercollins
RT @hcpunion
Big News!!! We have voted to ratfiy the contract and will be returning to work 2/21. We're excited to get back to work and join our colleagues again.
#HarperCollinsUnion #hcponstrike #harpercollins
I love how this NPR piece on the tentative agreement between #HarperCollins and the Harper Collins Workers Union, while mentioning the pitiful raise and pathetic concessions, as well as the promised retaliatory layoff coming next year ("because of increasing costs" and "declining revenue"), there is no mention of how much the executives make in bonus every fucking years, or how many millions they're paying DeathSantis to lie.
#supportunions #supportworkers #harpercollins
After 66 work days on #strike (3 full months; tomorrow would be the 4th month to the day as they went on strike Nov 10th), #HarperCollins and the HarperCollins Union have reached a tentative agreement that includes "increases to minimum salaries across levels" and a $1,500 lump-sum bonus to all union employees.
More details to come!
#strike #harpercollins #publishing #hcponstrike #unionstrong
Excited to see the Harper Collins Union may have reached a tentative agreement with HC. Interested in seeing what happens there. #HarperCollins #HarperCollinsUnion
#harpercollins #harpercollinsunion