RT @harperdbio
In this tutorial @_StaticVoid uses a HarperDB add-on to connect with Azure AD to authenticate our users. This way we can delegate both the auth & roles to the AD, because we can create our users there & give them custom roles.
Check that out! Ever wandered how to build and manage an @Azure integration? So now you can!
RT @harperdbio
In this tutorial @_StaticVoid uses a HarperDB add-on to connect with Azure AD to authenticate our users. This way we can delegate both the auth & roles to the AD, because we can create our users there & give them custom roles.
#Auth #AzureAD #HarperDB
Aeee acabou de sair um conteúdo super legal que eu fiz em parceria com a #harperdb sobre #oauth e #javascript usando Custom Functions para autenticar usuários direto no banco de dados!