Self-publishing News: Bookbub’s new feature #self-publishingformula #Self-PublishingNews #harpersletter #Kobostreaming #J.K.Rowling #MarkDawson #bookbub #covid19 #kobo
#self #harpersletter #Kobostreaming #j #MarkDawson #bookbub #COVID19 #kobo
Self-publishing News: Netgalley Adds Audio #diversityinpublishing #Frankfurterbuchmesse #Self-PublishingNews #harpersletter #ebookpiracy #KissLibrary #audiobooks #NetGalley #Bertrams #Gardners #Storytel #comics
#diversityinpublishing #frankfurterbuchmesse #self #harpersletter #ebookpiracy #KissLibrary #audiobooks #netgalley #Bertrams #Gardners #storytel #comics
Last Sunday, I tried to explore how the #harpersletter stands up for #LiberalValues and where it fails, along with another visit from This week is all catch-up, three weeks of news and music. Be my guest next time at 9pm CST.
"Das Haus brennt. Die Linke ruft: Feuer! Wieder diese Brüllerei, klagt der Liberalismus. Aber das Haus brennt ab!, ruft die Linke. Wir müssen auch mit den Brandstiftern reden, sagt der Liberalismus."
Mein Text über den #harpersletter jetzt auch bei - "Der Brief aus New York ist ein massenhaften Verrat."
Live in 5 minutes. News, music and the #harpersletter. Comment below to get on the show.
If you have some thoughts/complaints about the #harpersletter, I'd love to talk to you on the show tonight. Please reply and we'll find a way to get your voice live on the stream. I promise I'll be nice. Thanks.
Is it time to cancel #NoamChomsky? After he co-signed the #HarpersLetter.
#chomsky #myth #cancelculture #harpersletter #noamchomsky
Had a chat with @borisDpython about many things on Sunday, including libertarian thought and social media. Shorter show with no news or music due to technical issues. Please call in to talk about the #harpersletter and more this week!
As a supporter of the #harpersletter, this is a pretty good response. Definitely some missteps, but it definitely lays the groundwork for a longer conversation about cultural power and the challenges new communication technologies force upon us (what I think this is all about).
Of course people are now being shamed over signing the #harpersletter, some successfully. The main line of attack I'm seeing is guilt by association. Please explain that one to me, or even posit a better argument. How have these ideas become controversial? #LiberalValues