#HarrietCottonMills. Investigator spent the noon and part of the day around the mill, and saw a very few young children. He was not able to get into the mills, but indications are that there is plenty of child labor here when work is brisk. Location: Location: #Henderson, #NorthCarolina.
#harrietcottonmills #henderson #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#HarrietCottonMills. Investigator spent the noon hour and part of the day around the mill, and saw a few very young children. He was not able to get into the mills, but indications are that there is plenty of child labor here when work is brisk. Location: #Henderson, #NorthCarolina.
#harrietcottonmills #henderson #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor