RT @GaryNunn1
Now watched all of #HarryandMeganNetflix
No wonder they left UK. They were treated shamefully- esp #Meghan for the sole crime of *checks notes* being a smart, confident woman. They’re role models who realise speaking your truth can be more eloquent than ‘dignified silence’ #Harry
#Harry #meghan #harryandmegannetflix
Harry contundente en su documental de Netflix: 'Mentían para proteger a mi hermano'
#felizmiercoles #LasTresPuertas #YoMeRebelo11E #CamillaTheHomewrecker #HarryandMeganNetflix
#haceunmes #felizmiercoles #lastrespuertas #yomerebelo11e #camillathehomewrecker #harryandmegannetflix
RT @DuchessOnDuty@twitter.com
Imagine being so called Queen Camilla, queen of England and inviting the man who wrote this poison, Jeremy Clarkson, to a party. THIS WEEK, December 2022.
Along with the man with a weird obsession with Meghan, Piers Morgan.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DuchessOnDuty/status/1604135267459166208
#royalfamilylied #harryandmegannetflix
RT @SholaMos1@twitter.com
If Diana were alive she would bury you for the disgusting vulture you are Piers Morgan. You’re doing to Meghan what was done to Diana & led to her death
You hypocritical lying weak arsed White privileged piece of bigoted filth #HarryandMeganNetflix
This. Is. Shola. Uncensored.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SholaMos1/status/1603448023811604496
RT @simonharris_mbd@twitter.com
15th Dec: Meghan reveals the behaviour of the press almost drove her to suicide.
16th Dec: Jeremy Clarkson writes this in The S*n … #HarryandMeganNetflix
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/simonharris_mbd/status/1604116770004111360
RT @hackinginquiry@twitter.com
Meghan’s treatment shows how harmful racist & abusive press coverage can be.
So we are calling on @IpsoNews@twitter.com & the papers which control it, to start taking racism seriously and outlaw group discrimination in IPSO’s standards code
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hackinginquiry/status/1603395031888498688
RT @Cartoon4sale@twitter.com
Peter Brookes on #EmmanuelMacron #BaronessMone #FIFAWorldCup2022 #HarryandMeganNetflix – political cartoon gallery in London http://original-political-cartoon.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Cartoon4sale/status/1603865914482364416
#emmanuelmacron #baronessmone #fifaworldcup2022 #harryandmegannetflix
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11543935/The-Harry-Meghan-saga-took-terrible-toll-Queen-reveals-REBECCA-ENGLISH.html #HarryandMeganNetflix drove our poor Queen into her early grave. They are monsters! 😡
RT @Shanika_WM@twitter.com
I hope middle England hate watch the Harry and Meghan and realise how much they were manipulated into hating her. From watching the wedding to cussing on twitter - I hope they see how they got there. #HarryandMeganNetflix
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Shanika_WM/status/1603411115190386690
Just finished watching the #HarryandMeganNetflix series. Thoroughly enjoyed their relationship & family story. Revealed the raw truths of racism, the abuse by media & sadly the mental impacts. Demystified the “colony”. Loved the music!!
This #HarryandMeganNetflix special feels like they are talking about my wife and I and what we’ve experienced.
This isn’t about some spoiled royal, it’s about interracial marriage and mental health.
I implore you to watch it.
This #HarryandMeganNetflix special feels like they are talking about my wife and I and what we’ve experienced.
This isn’t about some spoiled royal, it’s about interracial marriage and mental health.
I implore you to watch it.
I cannot believe - well, I can, I know the audacity of whiteness - I can't believe these people, the Queen, Charles & WILLIAM, FOR ALMIGHTY'S SAKE, DIDN'T LEARN SHIT AFTER DIANA.
But you know who did learn?
Harry says, "Anyone inside that system, whether it's my family, whether it's staff, whether it's PR, whoever it is, have already missed an enormous opportunity with my wife, & how far that would go globally." & damn, if he ain't right. #HarryandMeganNetflix
For me, the most poignant episode from #HarryandMeganNetflix is E5. & the most important discussion is the highlighting of the Caribbean nations - Barbados, Jamaica, Grenada - either leaving the Commonwealth or leaning towards leaving. The drop in popularity of the RF, especially for Commonwealth citizens of color, & how that, while not *just* because of, but definitely *in part* because of the way Harry & Meghan, especially Meghan, were treated by the RF in plain sight.
RT @RyanEGraney@twitter.com
I really don’t understand how people can dislike Meghan Markle after what she did for the Grenfell victims. Like she said let’s go help and then changed their lives. #HarryandMeganNetflix
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RyanEGraney/status/1603394457310826497
RT @robbiedoherty@twitter.com
Ahh.. Did the editors of #HarryandMeganNetflix use the wrong Guardian logo? Pretty sure that’s the @PEIGuardian@twitter.com logo… not @guardian@twitter.com . Help me out here.
Cc: @DveStewart@twitter.com @PEIGuardian@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/robbiedoherty/status/1603560106754543616
From Pet to Threat:
The Dutchess of Sussex, Megan Markle, has a lived experience of many Black women in a predominantly white society.
anyone else getting that #FrenchANDSaunders YOUR FAMILY YOUR FAMILY YOUR FAMILY bit reaction while, for whatever reason, watching #HarryandMeganNetflix ? just me? ok then. #dadde #🐛
#frenchandsaunders #harryandmegannetflix #dadde