Has anyone seen recently? There are some really great moments for staging and acting. The themes the film addresses feel incredibly suitable for today and shows how progressive it was. Compared to a lot of moments in 80's films, nowadays make it sometimes hard to recommend to others. I remember as a kid thinking it was odd and new to see a film that addresses caring about the enviroment for example.


Last updated 2 years ago

Abnormal Memery · @abnormalmemery
5 followers · 186 posts · Server stranger.social
Hotchka · @Hotchka
22 followers · 334 posts · Server mstdn.plus

Actress has died at age 83. Dillon is best known for her role as the mother of Ralphie in the holiday classic . She also had key roles in and . Other notable film credits include , , , and . TV credits include , , , (1985), , , and , her final screen appearance in 2007.

#melindadillon #achristmasstory #closeencountersofthethirdkind #harryandthehendersons #slapshot #absenceofmalice #theprinceoftides #magnolia #bonanza #thejeffersons #space #thetwilightzone #theclient #picketfences #judgingamy #heartland

Last updated 2 years ago

AesAthena · @AesAthena
587 followers · 4681 posts · Server mastodon.art

I saw HARRY AND THE HENDERSONS last night for the first time. It was awesome. John Lithgow + practical effects forever. <3 <3

It bothered me, though, how often I sat there waiting for a tasteless or off-color innuendo/"joke" that never came. I was overjoyed when said grossness didn't show up, but it still disturbs me: what are modern day "family" movies training us to expect??)

#practicaleffects #johnlithgow #harryandthehendersons #sasquatch #bigfoot #80smovies #movies #classic #familymovies

Last updated 7 years ago