Da ich jetzt auch die ersten drei Bände durch habe, hat der Lese-Vlog von Merphy Napier echt Spaß gemacht. #HarryDresden
"So I read the Dresden Files"
Eg leser Jim Butcher sine #HarryDresden-bøker i Syden. Noir-ish med privatdetektiv, som også er trollmann, i dagens Chicago. Akkurat passe pulp for strandlivet.
Is it time for my yearly read of Jim Butchers Dresden Files?
#jimbutcher #harrydresden #vampires #fantasy #urbanfantasy #geek #magic
#jimbutcher #harrydresden #vampires #fantasy #urbanfantasy #geek #magic
A bunch of Dementors fuck with the wrong Harry, and Voldy proves he's an idiot, because he just had to fuck around and find out
#geek #harrydresden #harrypotter #humor #comedy #geekhumor
#dresdenfiles #harrydresden #dresdenfilesrpg #dfa #dresdenfilesaccelerated #pnpde #rpg #rsp #penandpaper #rollenspiel #erzählspiel #fate #turbofate #ttrpg #tischrollenspiel #deutscheübersetzung
#dresdenfiles #harrydresden #dresdenfilesrpg #dfa #dresdenfilesaccelerated #pnpde #rpg #rsp #penandpaper #rollenspiel #erzahlspiel #fate #turbofate #ttrpg #tischrollenspiel #deutscheubersetzung
Es gibt Neuigkeiten zu Dresden Files Accelerated auf Deutsch.
Im dritten Werkstattbericht zu »Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden – Ein Turbo-Fate-Rollenspiel« verraten wir etwas zum alternativen Layout des »Buchs«.
#dresdenfiles #harrydresden #dresdenfilesrpg #dfa #dresdenfilesaccelerated #pnpde #rpg #rsp #penandpaper #rollenspiel #erzählspiel #fate #turbofate #ttrpg #tischrollenspiel #deutscheübersetzung
#DresdenFiles #harrydresden #dresdenfilesrpg #dfa #dresdenfilesaccelerated #pnpde #rpg #rsp #penandpaper #rollenspiel #erzahlspiel #fate #turbofate #ttrpg #tischrollenspiel #deutscheubersetzung
Just heard about this shit about #Hasbro trying to "revoke" the OGL 1.0 licence for D&D so they can steal a huge percentage of 3rd party sales under a far more restrictive license. In fact, since a whole bunch of games only use the OGL for the licence (like the Harry Dresden RPG, and FATE in general), this Copyright trolling by Hasbro, if enforced, could kill tabletop RPG industry.
I wish every #Copyright supporter out there a very "go use broken glass as lube."
#hasbro #copyright #faterpg #harrydresden
Waiting for the next #seriesnovels #series #novels #books that are as good as Jim Butcher’s #DresdenFiles - from beginning to end, I was totally hooked, and #HarryDresden was a hell of a character. #bookaholic #bookaddict #readerforlife
#seriesnovels #series #novels #books #DresdenFiles #harrydresden #bookaholic #bookaddict #readerforlife
Waiting for the next #seriesnovels #series #novels #books that are as good as Jim Butcher’s #DresdenFiles - from beginning to end, I was totally hooked, and #HarryDresden was a hell of a character. #bookaholic #bookaddict #readerforlife
#seriesnovels #series #novels #books #DresdenFiles #harrydresden #bookaholic #bookaddict #readerforlife
Latest read, Even Hand (2010) by Jim Butcher, from the anthology Dark and Stormy Knights. Set in the world of Harry Dresden, this is a tale of Chicago crime boss John Marcone, who, though ruthless, has a code and finds himself protecting (alongside his Valkyrie bodyguard) a child from a monstrous Fomorian sorcerer.
The focus is entertainment; action and hard-boiled patter.
69 of #400FantasyStories
#Fantasy #HarryDresden #JimButcher #UrbanFantasy #Books #ShortStory
#400fantasystories #fantasy #harrydresden #jimbutcher #urbanfantasy #books #shortstory
Latest read, Even Hand (2010) by Jim Butcher, from the anthology Dark and Stormy Knights. Set in the world of Harry Dresden, this is a tale of Chicago crime boss John Marcone, who, though ruthless, has a code and finds himself protecting (alongside his Valkyrie bodyguard) a child from a monstrous Fomorian sorcerer.
The focus is entertainment; action and hard-boiled patter.
69 of #400FantasyStories
#Fantasy #HarryDresden #JimButcher #UrbanFantasy #Books #ShortStory
#400fantasystories #fantasy #harrydresden #jimbutcher #urbanfantasy #books #shortstory
Aktuell erscheint eine Neuauflage der #HarryDresden Reihe - die Gelegenheit für unseren Redakteurin Almut, sich den ersten Band des #UrbanFantasy Klassikers anzuschauen: