Wow! Just learned about 1967 book "The Technicolor Time Machine" by #HarryHarrison. As one bibliographer writes: ''Movie producers get hold of a time machine, and decide to shoot a Viking epic on location - in the 11th century AD. A thoroughly madcap romp in its author's best vein''. Crikey! Found it through my usual pulp books supplier. But I'd need to read it in ebook. And it is on the Kindle for £3.99 from the Gateway Essential srange. Buying! #Books #Scifi #Bookstodon #TimeTravel
#timetravel #bookstodon #scifi #books #harryharrison
@ozdreaming @tomlevenson @cstross
Dated, yes; certainly inasmuch as it's missing all of the trappings of even _my_ childhood. On the other hand, the social attitudes of the characters are not nearly as problematic in retrospect.
Did you try them on something like _The Stainless Steel Rat_?
#thedarkisrising #harryharrison
A really interesting production would cast Jessi as The Stainless Steel Rat.
#zkyoutube #boringoldsf #harryharrison #kpop #jessi
In the year two thousand-twenty two......
#SoylentGreen #HarryHarrison #EdwardGRobinson #CharltonHeston #LeighTaylorYoung #ChuckConnors as Fielding
#BrockPeters #JosephCotten #WhitBissell #RichardFleischer #scifi #ScienceFiction #Movies #cinema #dystopian
#soylentgreen #harryharrison #edwardgrobinson #CharltonHeston #leightayloryoung #chuckconnors #brockpeters #josephcotten #whitbissell #richardfleischer #scifi #sciencefiction #movies #cinema #dystopian
@bigbeardedbookseller #NeilGaiman
spot the odd one out!
#BookToot #bookstadon #CurrentlyReading #BookRecs #BookTwitter #SevenFavouriteAuthors
#NeilGaiman #terrypratchett #PhilpKDick #ChristopherMcDougall #harryharrison #SuzanneCollins #robertaheinlein #BookToot #bookstadon #currentlyReading #bookrecs #BookTwitter #SevenFavouriteAuthors
#introduction La Rustimuna Stalcato. Ex, ex COBOL programmer (I’m all better now, thanks) Sci-fi nerd, AFOLWAC, Scottish, amateur astronomer, casual gamer, likes a bad dad joke or two.
#Pratchett #HarryHarrison #Scifi #Lego #Trains #Moon #Astronomy #Books
#books #astronomy #moon #trains #lego #scifi #harryharrison #pratchett #introduction
Think it was around the time I was reading, or had read #HarryHarrison 's #WestOfEden and the rest of the trilogy, which I found much easier-going and more entertaining.