Harry Houdini was born on this date in 1874.
#harryhoudini #escapology #baseballcards #cardart
Kotaku: Meet The Man Who Got Kadabra Banned From Pokémon For 20 Years https://kotaku.com/pokemon-tcg-uri-geller-kadabra-card-ban-nintendo-1850050358 #gaming #tech #kotaku #abra2ckadabra2candalakazam #ricardomontalban #floridademocrats #thebostonglobe #parapsychology #humaninterest #georgeclooney #pseudoscience #entertainers #johnnycarson #spoonbending #harryhoudini #robertdeniro #kensugimori #keanureeves #phenomenon #woodyallen #oscarwilde #paranormal #chrisangel #edgarcayce #jamesrandi #kadabra
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #abra2ckadabra2candalakazam #ricardomontalban #floridademocrats #thebostonglobe #paraPsychology #humaninterest #georgeclooney #pseudoscience #entertainers #johnnycarson #spoonbending #harryhoudini #robertdeniro #kensugimori #keanureeves #phenomenon #woodyallen #oscarwilde #paranormal #chrisangel #edgarcayce #jamesrandi #kadabra
Harry Houdini is one of the most popular and successful magicians of all time - and he had a personal connection with WEIRD TALES and H. P. Lovecraft.
#lovecraft #hplovecraft #houdini #harryhoudini #weirdtales #pulp #blog #history #weird #weirdfiction
#lovecraft #hplovecraft #houdini #harryhoudini #weirdtales #pulp #blog #history #weird #weirdfiction