Just finished The Pale Blue Eye. Very intriguing! If you watched it, I'm curious to know what you thought (without spoilers for those who haven't seen it)
#thepaleblueeye #christianbale #harrymelling
#thepaleblueeye #christianbale #harrymelling
Prompted by @blackbatflower micro review, I watched #ThePaleBlueEye last night with high hopes of dozing off, which failed. The film wasn't fun or mindblowing but it ticked my boxes - the dreary winter gothic atmosphere, great performances by big names in supporting roles, and probably the best #Poe embodiment since #AlteredCarbon. It was slow burn, but worth watching. Actually, I could watch and listen to #HarryMelling as Poe for hours. 🥰
#harrymelling #alteredcarbon #poe #thepaleblueeye
Today I will be mostly sharing my disappointment in The Pale Blue Eye.
#MovieReview #blog #blogger #ThePaleBlueEye #ChristianBale #ScottCooper #HarryMelling #LucyBoynton #CharlotteGainsbourg #TobyJones #film #cinema #movies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #netflixuk #streaming
#moviereview #blog #blogger #thepaleblueeye #christianbale #scottcooper #harrymelling #lucyboynton #charlottegainsbourg #tobyjones #film #cinema #movies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #netflixuk #Streaming
Una producción de buen diseño y gran reparto, pero de desarrollo difuso, es el resultado de esta adaptación de Louis Bayard de la mano de #ScottCooper. #LosCrimenesDeLaAcademia #ThePaleBlueEye, con un Poe (#HarryMelling) como lo más destacable, termina por ser explicativa en exceso a la hora de afrontar una trama plagada de casualidades que hacen que pierda intensidad... Y todo el misterio.
#Cine #Cinema #Netflix #CineThriller #CineMisterio #CineTerror #Horror #HorrorCinema
#horrorcinema #cinema #horror #cineterror #cinemisterio #cinethriller #netflix #cine #harrymelling #thepaleblueeye #loscrimenesdelaacademia #scottcooper
So I just finished watching #APaleBlueEye
Plot was a bit of struggle esp towards the end but not enough to bug me
performances top notch , I always like #ChristianBale loved the dialogue and setting. but my biggest .. what the fork
Edgar Allen Poe used to be Dudley Dursley??????
#HarryMelling Excellent job
#television #harrypotter
#apaleblueeye #christianbale #harrymelling #television #harrypotter
The Pale Blue Eye
La pellicola di Scott Cooper è uno spettacolo misurato, che mette sulle spalle del suo interprete principale il compito di trasportare l’immaginazione dello spettatore in un mondo che ormai è un passato remoto.
#2022 #CharlotteGainsbourg #ChristianBale #Film #GillianAnderson #HarryMelling #LucyBoynton #Netflix #RobertDuvall #ScottCooper #Visioni
#CharlotteGainsbourg #christianbale #film #gilliananderson #harrymelling #lucyboynton #netflix #robertduvall #scottcooper #visioni
Ho appena terminato "The Pale Blue Eye", decisamente uno dei migliori films che ho guardato ultimamente.
I just finished "The Pale Blue Eye", definitely one of the best movies I've watched recently.
#movies #films #thepaleblueeye #christianbale #augustuslandor #edgarallanpoe #harrymelling
#movies #films #thepaleblueeye #christianbale #augustuslandor #edgarallanpoe #harrymelling
In #ThePaleBlueEye l'attore che interpreta Poe è lo stesso che ha interpretato Dudley Dursley in HP, nel frattempo diventato trentatreenne
Mezzo film a pensare "dove ho già visto quegli occhi?"
Ricerca su wikipedia
Mezzo film in stato di shock
The Pale Blue Eye, a somber moody period murder mystery ar the U.S. Military academy with brilliant performances by Christian Bale and Harry Melling. #ThePaleBlueEye #ChristianBale #HarryMelling #netflix
#thepaleblueeye #christianbale #harrymelling #netflix
Not going to spoil #PaleBlueEye but will say I enjoyed it. #HarryMelling really channeling #JeffreyCombs - who played the most brilliant versions of #Poe in The Black Cat, and on stage in Nevermore.
#paleblueeye #harrymelling #jeffreycombs #poe
Wow!! #thepaleblueeye is incredible! I’m so rarely surprised by a murder mystery. And #harrymelling was spellbinding as #poe.
#thepaleblueeye #harrymelling #poe
#HarryMelling is sublime in #ThePaleBlueEye. Incredible. #EdgarAllanPoe #Film
#harrymelling #thepaleblueeye #edgarallanpoe #film
#ThePaleBlueEye is now on @netflix, check it out. I met some great people who were on my team and was able to get a pic with #EdgarAllanPoe aka #HarryMelling who I believe embodied the essence of his character.
Covid work on set is not for the weak. 😆 #healthandsafetymanager #healthandsafety #film #netflixandchill
#thepaleblueeye #edgarallanpoe #harrymelling #healthandsafetymanager #healthandsafety #film #netflixandchill
In today's review, I find that early 20th-century earth might not spar well with aliens. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2019 miniseries The War of the Worlds
#JonathanAris http://therealmrpositive.com/2023/01/03/the-war-of-the-worlds-2019/
#positive #eleanortomlinson #rafespall #rupertgraves #nicholasleprevost #harrymelling #jonathanaris
#ThePaleBlueEye: Once again, #ScottCooper finds an interesting narrative foundation for a #film... and once again, he squanders it with a lack of focus. #HarryMelling ate, though.
Full review at Mahan's Media: https://betwixtstarproductions.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-pale-blue-eye-2022-movie-review.html #movies #filmreview #moviereview #mystery #gothic #detective #edgarallenpoe #christianbale #RedRibbonReviewers
#thepaleblueeye #scottcooper #film #harrymelling #movies #filmreview #moviereview #mystery #gothic #detective #edgarallenpoe #christianbale #redribbonreviewers
Soooo I can announce I will be interviewing #ChristianBale #HarryMelling #ScottCooper #LucyBoynton and @Harry_lawtey about their new movie #ThePaleBlueEye. Send me your questions!
#thepaleblueeye #lucyboynton #scottcooper #harrymelling #christianbale