The #Konosuba gacha game is doing a #haruhisuzumiya collaboration tomorrow with Yuki and Mikuru's VCs . #haruhi #anime
#konosuba #haruhisuzumiya #haruhi #anime
Some #Haruhi specific notes at this #Lemmy discussion thread: #涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 #ハルヒ #HaruhiSuzumiya
#haruhi #lemmy #涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 #ハルヒ #haruhisuzumiya
Some #Haruhi specific notes at this Lemmy discussion thread: #涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 #ハルヒ #HaruhiSuzumiya
#haruhi #涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 #ハルヒ #haruhisuzumiya
Finally, the #CriticalRole and #HaruhiSuzumiya merging we did not know we needed.
Something's in the works... #romhacking #romhacks #romhack #haruhisuzumiya #
#romhacking #romhacks #romhack #haruhisuzumiya
#AniMarchMadness Play-in Match 6
Vote now on Gintama vs Hyouka vs The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya vs Non Non Biyori
Tags: #Poll #Polls #Anime #Gintama #Hyouka #HaruhiSuzumiya #NonNonBiyori
#animarchmadness #poll #polls #anime #gintama #hyouka #haruhisuzumiya #nonnonbiyori
This is a review I wrote for my blog for The Intrigues of Haruhi Suzumiya light novel:
The light novels I got for Christmas.
#lightnovels #fullmetalpanic #haruhisuzumiya
List 5 Anime Series/Movies to get to know you.
- #LizAndTheBlueBird
- #TamakoMarket / #TamakoLoveStory
- #CardcaptorSakura #Cardcaptors #CCS (not Clear Card, haven't watched it)
- #WelcomeToTheNHK #NHKNiYoukoso! (anime)
- #HaruhiSuzumiya series
A mixture of art, wholesomeness, cuteness, facing societal dread together, and chaotic fun. My favourite combination
#lizandthebluebird #tamakomarket #tamakolovestory #cardcaptorsakura #cardcaptors #ccs #welcometothenhk #nhkniyoukoso #haruhisuzumiya #anime #manga #weeb #otaku
Haruhi Suzumiya
TV Show: The Melanchony of Haruhi Suzumiya
Year: 2007-2010
Wendee Lee took on lead role of this kooky anime that I remember seeing memes when the show was around. #HaruhiSuzumiya #anime
More above 👆
#BlackDesert #Sorceress #Witch #Tamer #Ranger #Kunoichi #Lahn #Corsair #Nova #Shai #HaruhiSuzumiya #YukiNagato #MeiTachibana #Sash
#blackdesert #sorceress #witch #tamer #ranger #kunoichi #lahn #corsair #nova #shai #haruhisuzumiya #yukinagato #meitachibana #sash
More above 👆
#BlackDesert #Sorceress #Witch #Tamer #Ranger #Kunoichi #Lahn #Corsair #Nova #Shai #HaruhiSuzumiya #YukiNagato #MeiTachibana #Sash
#blackdesert #sorceress #witch #tamer #ranger #kunoichi #lahn #corsair #nova #shai #haruhisuzumiya #yukinagato #meitachibana #sash
Some of my toons from Black Desert. Some designs are based on characters from shows, some take inspiration from RL peeps, and some just created as their own person 🥰
(more below)
#BlackDesert #Sorceress #Witch #Tamer #Ranger #Kunoichi #Lahn #Corsair #Nova #Shai #HaruhiSuzumiya #YukiNagato #MeiTachibana #Sash
#blackdesert #sorceress #witch #tamer #ranger #kunoichi #lahn #corsair #nova #shai #haruhisuzumiya #yukinagato #meitachibana #sash
Once upon a time, I have a Haruhi Suzumiya AU that features fan characters. I loved my AU and once RP as my fan characters on Tumblr, but the AU soon became inactive after I lost my interest in series.
I suppose I could talk more about the AU...The fan characters were from a group that did not believe Haruhi or Sasaki were the ones who given them supernatural powers. This group believed in their "god" and were searching for the person.
Maybe one day I'd get back to my AU.
How fortuitous to have joined on #FollowBackFriday! 🤩 Any like-minded folks want to get me started?
#gaming #gaymers #AceAttorney #Pokémon #CrashBandicoot #TwoPointCampus
#TV #SNL #CrazyExGirlfriend #30Rock #TaskMaster #BigBrother #BB24 #BBAU #BoJackHorseman #anime #FullmetalAlchemist #HaruhiSuzumiya
#film #movies #Beetlejuice #FinalDestination
#writing #copywriting #blogging #design #webdesign #WordPress
#politics #Labour #antiwork #socialism
#mentalhealth #ADHD
#LGBT #LGBTQIA+ #Queer #gay
#followbackfriday #gaming #gaymers #aceattorney #pokemon #crashbandicoot #twopointcampus #tv #snl #crazyexgirlfriend #30rock #taskmaster #bigbrother #bb24 #bbau #bojackhorseman #anime #fullmetalalchemist #haruhisuzumiya #film #movies #beetlejuice #finaldestination #writing #copywriting #blogging #design #webdesign #wordpress #politics #labour #antiwork #socialism #mentalhealth #adhd #lgbt #lgbtqia #queer #gay #uk