Nothing brightens a gloomy day like receiving a #BookHaul. I ordered these from the #HarvardBookStore warehouse sale #JapaneseLiterature #BooksInTranslation @bookstadon
#bookhaul #harvardbookstore #japaneseliterature #booksintranslation
#HarvardBookStore in #CambridgeMA is my favourite bookstore, and their events are part of why.
I had a great time yesterday evening at the reading+discussion of *The Terraformers* with @annaleen! For example, I learned that a planet can have a molten core and volcanoes, but no plate tectonics, leading to the volcanoes making persistent lava tubes and staying in the same place over long timescales. I love #scifi with real #science
@bookstodon #books
#books #science #scifi #CambridgeMA #harvardbookstore