Congratulations to the three projects that just won "Advancing Open Knowledge" grants from #HarvardLibrary.
#libraries #openaccess #harvardlibrary
"The #HBCU Library Alliance & #HarvardLibrary are embarking on this project [to advance] open, public access to archives & special collections pertaining to #AfricanAmerican history. Funds are provided by the Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery initiative, which has designated $6 million for this project."
PS: Universities can't stop states determined to prohibit the teaching of accurate US history. But they can make it easy for students to find more of the missing chapters.
#africanamerican #harvardlibrary #hbcu
Update. The statement is now on the #HarvardLibrary website.
Another excerpt: "We want to highlight the dangers of allowing the interests of commercial #publishers to dictate the paths available to [#OpenAccess]…We refer here to the…#APC (article processing charge)…and/or institutional #ReadAndPublish agreements where libraries pay bulk APCs on behalf of their scholars and unlock institutional access to read pay-walled content."
#readAndPublish #APC #openaccess #publishers #harvardlibrary
RT @HarvardMapColl
Wrapping up the petite atlases with the finely bound
Atlas Maritime (1762) by Rigobert Bonne, presenting in reduced form all the coasts and the major maritime cities of France (here shown Pas de Calais and Dunkerque), some 30 maps altogether. #maps #HarvardLibrary
RT @HarvardMapColl
A hyperborean perspective of #Europe, with south at the top, here presented by Sebastian Münster, from the encyclopedic Cosmographiae Uniuersalis (1554 edition), and first seen in his 1540 Geographia Vniversalis. #maps #HarvardLibrary
RT @HarvardMapColl
To reinforce the primacy of the stars (when the clouds allow) to navigation, Seller has a third celestial chart in the Maritimus, a double hemisphere, apparently by an engraver under a strict deadline, as the figures around the poles are very loosely drawn. #maps #HarvardLibrary
RT @HarvardMapColl
Navigational aids for the 16th c. mariner: a chart/volvelle of the stars of the northern hemisphere, along with a compass rose in full bloom! From Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer's 1590 French edition of his Spieghel der Zeevaerdt or, Du Miroir de la Navigation. #maps #HarvardLibrary
RT @HarvardMapColl
A modern presentation of the ancient stars and constellations, filled with the lore of the Greek, Babylonian, Egyptian and Assyrian traditions; here in a colorful 1930 double hemispheric chart by Elizabeth Shurtleff. #maps #HarvardLibrary
RT @HarvardMapColl
To put the #Sun in context, at least as presented by Nicolaus Copernicus, seated right, and the ancient astronomer Aristarchus of Samos, seated left; here from the 1708 P. Schenk & G. Valk edition of Harmonia Macrocosmica, by Andreas Cellarius. #maps #HarvardLibrary
RT @HarvardMapColl
Kircher was interested not only in the terrestrial realm but also what was happening on the Sun, and in 1635, joined by Christoph Scheiner, observed our nearest star and espied multitudes of billowing volcanoes, sunspots, and an encircling fiery filament. #maps #HarvardLibrary
To mark V-E Day, a #map of #Berlin from 1920 by Alexius Kiessling ##VEDay75 #harvardlibrary high-res:
#harvardlibrary #VEDay75 #berlin #map
Driving up the east coast? Put away your GPS and use our #recentacquisition: McCauley #Map Case with a 1939 US road map. #harvardlibrary
#recentacquisition #map #harvardlibrary
These 1944 US Army #maps of New Guinea have a topographic #map on one side and the photomap (aerial photo processed to add the grid and toponyms) on the other allowing you to see some of the process of producing the map from aerial photographs. #aerialphotography #harvardlibrary
#maps #map #aerialphotography #harvardlibrary