#Rusticl + #radeonsi works with #hashcat! The dictionary mode at least.
Trying to use brute force fails on the self test.
Still better than clover, which makes the GPU hang up so badly I can't even turn off the computer.
This is awesome cause this #APU (#Ryzen 2400G) is not supported by #rocm. Rusticl is the best #opencl I can get right now.
#Rusticl #radeonsi #hashcat #apu #ryzen #rocm #opencl
SecurityOnline: hashview v0.8.1 beta releases: web front-end for password cracking & analytics https://securityonline.info/hashview-web-password-cracking-analytics/ #PasswordAttacks #hashview #hashcat
#passwordattacks #hashview #hashcat
SecurityOnline: hate_crack v1.09 released: automating cracking methodologies through Hashcat https://securityonline.info/hate_crack-automating-cracking-methodologies-through-hashcat/ #PasswordAttacks #hate_crack #hashcat
#passwordattacks #hate_crack #hashcat
@tychotithonus I hope you've used #JohnTheRipper or #Hashcat to generate all possible candidates ;)
Rozwiązanie konkursu „Złam sekurakowe hasła”. Prezentujemy również metody łamania haseł użyte przez zwycięzców (writeupy!)
17 lipca ogłosiliśmy konkurs w którym do wygrania były klucze Yubikey od Yubico. Do złamania było 12 hashy ze strony http://recon.zone/hashez.txt. Rozstrzygnięcie nastąpiło 19 lipca w samo południe. Większość uczestników do działania zaprzęgło narzędzie hashcat. I nie, nie chodziło by wykorzystać możliwości wielu kart GPU. Trzeba było wykorzystać narzędzie sprytnie,...
#Teksty #Awareness #Hashcat #Hasła #Konkurs #Yubikey
#teksty #awareness #hashcat #hasla #konkurs #yubikey
Can anyone recommend a good book or resource on #passwordcracking ? I don’t want to go so deep I’m into the math, but I want to be deeper than “type -w 3 on #hashcat make go fast.”
Something that goes over the general techniques, when and why to use them, how they work etc.
if you bought a #GPU a couple of years ago don't go see what it costs now. i was too curious to not try an RX 580 in a thunderbolt chassis from OWC as an #eGPU and it's great but i could buy that card for 20% of the price i paid now or probably get something that would really make a #hashcat meow!
#gpu #egpu #hashcat #householdIT #graphics
i will be stalking geekbench to see if i actually would notice the M2 leap on the #macStudio from the rev A M1Max refurbs that are definitely affordable. my compute needs are light and my graphics needs are modest although i do have a #hashcat to feed…
the M1Ultra would mean nothing to me since DEVONthink and Lightroom are the two biggest things i run on that desktop. i may go ahead and pick up a refurb M1pro! the only thing i really need is 64GB of memory i have everything else.
#hashcat #bruteforce Test mit einem 11stelligen Passwort, bei dem die ersten 2 zeichen bekannt sind. Das #Passwort besteht aus Zahlen und Buchstaben(lowercase). Dauer knapp 2h auf nem Laptop mit einer Radeon #GPU 😀. Gar nicht so übel! 👍🤣
#gpu #passwort #bruteforce #hashcat
This is still new to me but I can't find enough documentation or help online (yet) to solve this.
I did some signal intelligence #sigint tests on my #wifi. I did a handshake capture using #besside.
I converted the wpa.cap using #aircrackng to #hashcat and received the prompt that it was successful.
I try to run the .hccap file through hashcat and receive the error that there is an unmatched separator.
Will need to keep researching...
fun fun fun....
#sigint #wifi #besside #aircrackng #hashcat
Grabbing and cracking macOS password hashes using dscl and hashcat.
#redteaming #pentest #infosec #macos #hashcat
#redteaming #pentest #infosec #macos #hashcat
Hey #hashcat pros. I’m looking for some #advice on a current project. I have an #excel 2010 file from a former employee that is #password protected. I know how to get the #hash and run basic attacks. I’ve used #brute up to 5 chars. Tried some lists like rock you and crack station and a few mask attacks but I’m running up against unrealistic #crack times. I’m looking for advice on other techniques, maybe building word lists from the company name or local sports teams. What do you do when the easy things fail?
#hashcat #advice #excel #password #hash #brute #crack
How to find and extract Net-NTLMv2 hashes in network captures for cracking with Hashcat.
#hashcat #wireshark #ntlm #password #pcap
Putting aside how bad government security is it is strange they built 8 GPU machines at $15k a top to get 240 GH/s performance...
My gaming desktop is a single GPU (4070) delivering 235 GH/s at a fraction of that cost.
I just published an article on "Password Cracking —Understanding basics and tools used." Read it exclusively on @medium
#cybersecurity #infosec #password_cracking #johntheripper #hashcat
#cybersecurity #infosec #password_cracking #JohnTheRipper #hashcat
I just published an article on "Password Cracking —Understanding basics and tools used." Read it exclusively on @medium
#cybersecurity #infosec #password_cracking #johntheripper #hashcat
#cybersecurity #infosec #password_cracking #JohnTheRipper #hashcat
The Export>Import is not bad, the big job is changing out all those passwords because right now all those passwords are in the hands of the crime syndicate and their heirs, successors and assigns.
Likely seeking the high value targets but maybe just running #hashcat #johntheripper type crackers - premium versions - looking for whatever breaks first. Next would be either a ransomware outbreak/pandemic, or, perhaps worse, a long term bore-from-within.
Think about it - they might by now already have penetrated & planted malware on accounts before the targets changed out their passwords. As one expert (which I am not) suggests, just retire all those old accounts. Probably not a bad idea.