Seppur si consigli di usare gli hashtag perchè serve a cercare informazioni su #mastodon questo non esclude che si possa scegliere di mantenere una dimensione più intima e riservata ai messaggi non includendo #hashtag.
In questo modo il messaggio verrà visto solo da chi ci segue o da chi chi legge in quel momento la timeline locale.
Oppure si può scegliere di inviare il messaggio con alcuni hashtag ma come "non elencato" e il messaggio non comparirà nella pagine degli hashtag.
#mastodon #hashtag #M1Tutorial
I want to initiate a new music #hashtag bound to #monday
Each monday, I will randomly select a music genre from the list at #everyNoiseAtOnce and ask for your favorite artist of this genre.
This week #MondayMusicGenre is #deathstep
#deathstep #everynoiseatonce #mondaymusicgenre #Monday #hashtag
If you post in different languages on mastodon, how should you do it?
Is it enough to change the posting language when composing the post, or should you also add a hashtag with the language?
And if so, in which language should the hashtag be?
Or maybe the top level domain letters?
Or both change the posting language and add a hashtag?
#Mastodon #Language #Languages #Post #Posting #Toot #Tooting #Hashtag #Hashtags
#mastodon #language #languages #post #posting #toot #tooting #hashtag #hashtags
Limonaden enthielten durch Gärung ein bisschen Alkohol und das störte niemanden. Erst mit der Prohibition und der Soda-Mode in den USA entstand hier ein Bewusstsein dafür. Dass Alkohol nicht nur Kinder doof macht war schließlich nicht evident weil alle soffen und doof waren.
Sin-Alco ("Alkoholfrei")
#prohibition #funfact #soda #alkoholfrei #sinalco #hashtag
ist unser #Hashtag für das beste in den Mediatheken von #ARTE, #ARD, @ZDF und @3sat. Unser Spektrum ist meistens persönlich, sehr groß und manchmal chaotisch. Aber immer ehrlich.
Wir freuen uns natürlich unglaublich über jeden Kommentar im Blog. 😉
#Mediathekperlen #hashtag #arte #ard
@janboddez Found these lines in one of the files
define('AKTT_API_POST_STATUS', '');
define('AKTT_API_STATUS_SHOW', '');
define('AKTT_PROFILE_URL', '');
define('AKTT_STATUS_URL', '');
define('AKTT_HASHTAG_URL', '');
#id #username #status #hashtag
I would like to start a new #hashtag: #jokespoiler.
So, if you see the beginning of a #joke where it is a #clickbait to a site that shows the whole joke, you an feel free to publish it.
#hashtag #jokespoiler #joke #clickbait
Bitte nutzt doch mehr #hashtag !
Das ist einfach wichtig um sich zu sortieren!
Imagine there's some shift in the #internet #markets, such that #servers #Mastodon and other #Fediverse programs cannot afford to keep going without mandatory #financial #contributions from their users. (I don't think this will ever happen, it's just a #hypothetical)
What is the maximum amount of #money you would be willing to #pay / #donate to keep your #server / #instance running?
What #content would you most want to keep interacting with? #Friends, #art, #science, #news, #politics, #AI, #tech, #VideoGames, #streaming, #LGBTQ, #furry, or something else? What cause would most entice you? #OpenSource, #NonProfit, #Democracy, #Freedom, or just non-#toxic #SocialMedia?
Please respond to and #boost this #poll, and let me know your thoughts in the #replies! (Sorry for #hashtag #spam, trying to maximize #reach for #diversity and volume of #responses)
#internet #markets #servers #Mastodon #fediverse #financial #contributions #hypothetical #money #pay #donate #server #instance #art #science #News #Politics #boost #poll #replies #furry #alternatereality #AI #tech #friends #content #lgbtq #videogames #Streaming #opensource #nonprofit #Democracy #freedom #toxic #SocialMedia #hashtag #spam #reach #diversity #responses
@olmitch I'm shocked, shocked I say, to find corruption in the houses of power.
#not #sarcasm #corruption #hashtag
#hashtag #fantasy #fediverse #mastodon #pixelfed
Aujourd'hui on parle de mes hashtags, ceux qui te serviront à me retrouver et à suivre mon activité littéraire. N'hésite plus et entre en fantasy.
#hashtag #fantasy #fediverse #mastodon #pixelfed
#hashtag #thread #fediverse
Prochain post et thread : mes différents hashtags sur le fédiverse. reste à l'écoute si tu ne veux rien manquer de mon univers et de mes écrits
@louisa_ Beautiful! And I love the idea of the #WoodlandWednesday #Hashtag. Here's my first contribution -- East Meadow Watershed, in Rocks Village, Massachusetts. This path leads uphill to an old cemetery where some of my family are buried.
....ja und dann sollte es mehr Schönes und Positives zu lesen geben.
Hebe es hervor mit #PositivTroet
Ich verfolge den #Hashtag und #Booste
Mehr Platz für das Schöne
#booste #hashtag #positivtroet
Okay, ich ahne es wird eine kurze Nacht. 🌜😅 Schritt für Schritt trudeln die #Mastodon-Updates auf Github ein.
Spannendstes Feature wird wohl die Volltextsuche bei 4.2. Auf die neue Darstellung von Hashtags am Ende eines Posts bin ich auch gespannt.
Und wenn uns für @bonnsocial Extra (monetäre) Motivation zukommen lassen wollt, dann her mit eurer Knete!
#mastodon #mastoadmin #hashtag
Urlaub auf Wangerooge: Das Meer ist weg,und an den Wellen haben sie auch gespart.