@abid I really like #mastodon , but I believe there needs to be an organized effort to have an effective #HashtagCloud . For inspiration , sign up on this site https://categorian.com/ and take a look at their tag cloud / although the site doesn't have enough audience for myself . Also for reference this one is interesting https://www.music-map.com/ 👍
@jims I can remember geographically where I was at , kayaking , bicycling , when I was listening to certain segments of audio books . IMHO , it actually makes it easier to remember because of the novel locations . I sort of wish #mstdn had a #HashtagCloud to make it easier to discuss such of the many topics of interest 😎 #AudibleBooks
#mstdn #hashtagcloud #audiblebooks
We like #HashTags
#Hashtag #toot #CamelCaseYourHashtags #ForTheScreenReaders #Accessibility #ATootFullOfHashtags #HowManyHashtagsAreTooMany #WordsToHashTagRatio #TootsPerMinute #TootsPerSecond #TPS #FollowFriday #FF #Friday #RIPTwitter #TwitterMigration #TwitterDown #HashCloud #HashtagCloud #TootCloud #ThisIsALot #500CharacterTootLimit #AlmostThere #NeedCoffee #IsItColdOutside #Trending #CloseEnough #Update #IsItTheWeekendYet #PublishVSToot #TootMyHeart #Done
#Sorry #NotSorry #Fedi #IWillStopNow
#hashtags #hashtag #toot #camelcaseyourhashtags #forthescreenreaders #accessibility #atootfullofhashtags #howmanyhashtagsaretoomany #wordstohashtagratio #tootsperminute #tootspersecond #tps #followfriday #ff #friday #riptwitter #twittermigration #twitterdown #hashcloud #hashtagcloud #tootcloud #thisisalot #500charactertootlimit #almostthere #needcoffee #isitcoldoutside #trending #closeenough #update #isittheweekendyet #publishvstoot #tootmyheart #done #sorry #notsorry #fedi #iwillstopnow
Hello! I’m a #ukpolitics #canpol #scottishpolitics nerd who loves to #shoplocal #shopsmall & support independent retail & hospitality biz…#coffeeshops & small #hotels in particular. Fave cities #edinburgh #montreal #lisbon. I’m a #travel #blogger and #copywriter. I devour #travelguides but also #literaryfiction. I’m a #foodie & also into #interiordesign & #photography. I #sup in #scottishhighlands & Canadian lakes. 80s/early 90s #indiemusic fan.
Do we have anything in common? 👋
#ukpolitics #canpol #scottishpolitics #shoplocal #shopsmall #coffeeshops #Hotels #edinburgh #Montreal #lisbon #travel #blogger #copywriter #travelguides #literaryfiction #foodie #InteriorDesign #photography #sup #scottishhighlands #indiemusic #hashtagcloud