Yes I hear that! I'm wrestling with a fun combo of trauma related repeating crises. Here, there are very few medical/ psych professionals, so the discernment/ diagnosis/ treatment is almost impossible. My favorite though, is the internalized voices shaming me for feelings etc, or often denying that my lived experiences even happened! 🤣
By which i mean- the struggle is real! Good luck to u & us all!
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #cptsd #ComplexPTSD #pda #disabilities #trauma #spoonie #t1d
#hashtagsattheend #cptsd #complexptsd #pda #disabilities #trauma #spoonie #t1d
I'm teaching my first "Storytelling with art" class at the Arcata Playhouse Ourspace project today!
I'm calling it "Storytelling with sculpture and (free) digital tools".
The link goes to a quick storyboard I put together as an example, and to hopefully spark some interest for potential students.
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #ArcataPlayhouse #animation #animatics #art #OurspaceCommunityArts #Houseless #storyboard #dog #AlcoholicRabbit #toomanyhashtags!
#hashtagsattheend #arcataplayhouse #animation #animatics #art #ourspacecommunityarts #houseless #storyboard #dog #alcoholicrabbit #toomanyhashtags
@being ooh good job!
Also, thanks for the inspiration, i "fell off the wagon" a few days ago and i needed this "nudge" 😉
There isn't a FOSS version yet, is there?
#hashtagsattheend #foss #duolingo #imaflake
@melindrea @actuallyautistic
Also thanks for using the term "spell slots"!
I love that! I've tried so many times to explain "spoonie" to folks and they seldom *get it*, even when i think they're really trying. I've tried using analogies of cars running out of gas, plants' roots drying up, etc, and the "understanding" just didn't happen.
(A huge thing for me also as a t1d).
At least with "spell slots" the gamers will understand! 😃💜
#hashtagsattheend #t1d #dnd #ttrpg #spoonie #spellSlots
@melindrea @actuallyautistic
Thanks for sharing such useful info!
I just took those tests but haven't gotten the results yet- good luck to us all- whatever that looks like!
(IMHO diagnosis is not only a version of empathy/ vindication, but also a door to possibilities of a vastly improved "quality of life! Of course that may be a "silver lining" tactic, speaking as a ubiquitously depressed "juvenile onset diabetic" 😉)
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #diabetes #t1d #ToxicPositivity #chronic #spoonie
#hashtagsattheend #diabetes #t1d #toxicpositivity #chronic #spoonie
[Laughing and crying]
I resemble that remark!
TRIGGER WARNING: insulin infusion canula stuck on my thigh
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #t1d #diabetes #insulin #cgm #chronicIllness #disability #ablism #Medicine #laugh #wtfAmIDoingWithAllTheseHashtags
#hashtagsattheend #t1d #diabetes #insulin #cgm #chronicillness #disability #ablism #medicine #laugh #wtfamidoingwithallthesehashtags
@liminalfiction Dr Helen Magnus ("Sanctuary") and a mostly new team, continue their work in the "20 minutes into the future" setting of the Max Headroom show. Of course many of the "Blanks" were "abnormals" already, and even working together, they continue barely surviving the machiavellian hijinks of the corporate leviathon "Network 23".
It's maybe called "Blank-tuary?" 😒
#hashtagsattheend #scifi #sanctuarytheshow #maxheadroom
So, in dog years, i guess I'm 336 today. I think i understand why we don't give dogs birthday candles...?
@Cat_LeFey thanks for your story and actions!
And what if one of the kids is diabetic and has a bloodsugar emergency and life-or-death-NEEDS that snack! (Which for me, would also mean that in my hypoglycemic cognitive impairment and emotional dysregulation, I'd have a really hard time asking for help!)
(Sorry for the drama, but 30% of the children born in the Us today are going to be diabetic, so, maybe everyone should learn about it)
#hashtagsattheend #diabetes #t1d #juvenileonsetdiabetes
@PaulDitz re: "too much sleep, not enough water, stand on 1 leg silently reciting alphabet backwards, etc":
Yes it's so freaking complicated. And almost anyone (incl: DOCTORS GRRRR! #§*%&☆!) rolls their eyes when u try to talk about it.
So, here is an article i love WAAAAAaaaaay too much:
(I laughed, I cried, i finally felt understood/ vindicated/ sane...!)
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #Science #ScienceFuckingMatters! #Diabetes #diabetesComplaints #diatribe #tooManyHashtags! 😉
#hashtagsattheend #science #sciencefuckingmatters #diabetes #diabetescomplaints #diatribe #toomanyhashtags
Happy "Diaversary" to meee! (38 years).
I decided this is a good day to post my second episode of my "reading about diabetes" podcast (part of my "Stories With a Will).
I didn't understand some of the Scottish words, but in searching i found out some folks use "jag" to mean "inject". 😄 since I'm at about 100,000 self "jags", I'm happy to find a new word!
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #diabetes #diaversary #StoriesWithAWill #Scottish #Science #Dialects
#hashtagsattheend #diabetes #diaversary #storieswithawill #scottish #science #dialects
The Amazing team at Arcata's Playhouse Arts has opened their new space for Free classes and hanging out, less than a block off the plaza. The tentative name is "(y)Ourspace".
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #ArtTherapy #Humboldt #HumboldtCounty #NorCal #Art #Theater #Houseless #theHousingCrisis #HouselessPeople #Homelessness #HousingIsARight #YayCapitalism #PlayhouseArts #ArcataPlayhouse
#hashtagsattheend #arttherapy #humboldt #humboldtcounty #norcal #art #theater #houseless #thehousingcrisis #HouseLessPeople #homelessness #housingisaright #yaycapitalism #playhousearts #arcataplayhouse
It's the last couple months of the grant and I'm just starting to help the Street Outreach team (from Cooperation Humboldt) before it ends. It looks like we will be able to move a dozen or 2 people who've been houseless for a long time into permanent housing! I'm new but it's such an honor to help with the great work this team is doing!
#HashtagsAtTheEnd #housingisahumanright #street-outreach #CooperationHumboldt #HomeKeyProgram
#hashtagsattheend #housingisahumanright #street #cooperationhumboldt #homekeyprogram
Anyone know if memes are "fair use" under copyright law? #HashtagsAtTheEnd #t1d #t1diabetes #hypoglycemia #hunger #memes #diabeteshumor #fairuse
#hashtagsattheend #t1d #t1diabetes #hypoglycemia #hunger #memes #diabeteshumor #fairuse
(Intro contd) I'm probably the equivalent of a paralegal on federal disability laws, (APWU UNION YES), and maybe an honorary MD on the comorbidities of diabetes and PTSD, hyperlipotrophy, the Somogyi effect, Hypoglycemia Unawareness, catecholamine burnout, counterregulatory responses, the resulting autonomic failure, etc.
#introduction #introductionPart6
#t1d #diabetes #disability #federallaw
#APWU #USPS #UnionYes
#PTSD #CPTSD #SomogyiEffect #HU #HAAF #Amygdala #Bloodsugar
#hashtagsattheend #introduction #introductionpart6 #t1d #diabetes #disability #federallaw #APWU #usps #unionyes #ptsd #cptsd #somogyieffect #hu #haaf #amygdala #bloodsugar
(intro contd) I'm as liberal as you can get while still being very clumsy at woke-ness, and I'd love to be your ally (or at least your pet "white savior"). I want to teach everyone and their kids how to do art, music, animation, etc on FOSS. I can't fix your computer or write a program, but I could help you plan a little potato garden, and/or save the world!
#HashtagsAtTheEnd: #introductionPart5 #liberal #sociocracy #ally #FOSS #growpotatoes #Blender #Gimp #Audacity #Linux #WhiteFragile
#hashtagsattheend #introductionpart5 #liberal #sociocracy #ally #foss #growpotatoes #blender #gimp #audacity #linux #whitefragile
My natal chart is a basketfull of dichotomies and tidal waves, and I've been procrastinating whatever lesson that Yod has to teach me for far too long! My favorite job was TAing kids animation classes with Berkeley City College, I'm currently tutoring junior high math online, and volunteering for the amazing local nonprofit Cooperation Humboldt.
#pisces #itsNotJustAboutYourSunSign #Yod #animation #BCC #CooperationHumboldt #CoopHum #math #Tutor
#hashtagsattheend #introductionpart4 #pisces #itsnotjustaboutyoursunsign #yod #animation #bcc #cooperationhumboldt #coophum #math #tutor
(Intro contd)
My favorite thing is probably storytelling (very broadly defined), I'm addicted to analogies, my Achilles heel is my craving for approval, and my superpower is my ability to remain genuinely enthusiastic in a conversation about absolutely anything for way too long.
#introduction #introductionPart3 #t1d #art #illustration #storytelling #education #loquacious #illDieFirstWhenTheZombiesInvade
#hashtagsattheend #introduction #introductionpart3 #t1d #art #illustration #storytelling #education #loquacious #illdiefirstwhenthezombiesinvade
I'm Will, I'm always hungry, i sing bass, I'm a big (cishetwm) sissy, y yo quiero apprendar Español. I got a studio art BA, from HSU, (far north California) which included a lot of different types of creative projects, activism, and problems with my (T1D) diabetes. I quickly realized that i had no idea how to use any of that to survive, and began working with children, construction, event staffing, etc.
#hashtagsattheend #introductionpart2 #introductionpart1 #t1d #hetcissy #art
My friend who is a fantastic DM, storyteller, and person, really needs help. (And as a t1d with serious medical and emotional disabilities myself, I'm not joking when i say that me looking forward to his weekly game keeps me alive irl)
#games #dnd #5e #storytellers #storytelling #irl #dm #gm #dungeonmaster #player #fuckcapitalism #disability #disabilities #t1d #anxiety #ptsd #humboldt
#hashtagsattheend #games #dnd #5e #storytellers #storytelling #irl #dm #gm #dungeonmaster #player #fuckcapitalism #disability #disabilities #t1d #anxiety #ptsd #humboldt