Simon Peyton Jones talking at #haskellx about the Verse language.
I'm reminded of @DRMacIver' schroedinteger :)
RT @cercerilla
Thanks to everyone who joined to watch my #HaskellX talk today. I hope you had as much fun with it as I did writing it. If you missed the talk or want another look at the slides they are on GitHub here:
I just learned about Debug Adapter Protocol - lightning talk well attended!
These are the slides of my "Looping through functional loops" talk, today at #haskellX @skillsmatter
#haskellx in two days, let's goooooo
FYI I'll be speaking at #HaskellX about property based testing and explaining an approach to shrinking that solves some prevalent annoyances in tools like QuickCheck and Hedgehog.
Would be glad to discuss more before the talk (to make it better) if anybody is interested in this topic!
#quickcheck #testing #pbt #elm #haskell #haskellx
Anyone else on Mastodon on their way to #haskellx? Looking forward to an interesting day...