“Şairler şiirler yazıyor, ressamlar resimler yapıyor ve biz ozanlar türküler söylüyoruz. Peki bütün bunları niçin yapıyoruz? Dünya alışkanlıktan değil de sevgi ve mutluluktan dönsün diye.”
#hasretgultekin #unutmadimaklimda
🎵i don't daresay you'd be damned
don't be damned and
get to see me
bled into earth
raised into a banner
fallen like leaves
thus came the day
broke the bread
took pain for honey
taken the path to hereafter
thus came the day
spread to yield
crushed to flour
die as one, reborn a thousand
is it absolution to shoot me down?
i don't daresay you'd be blinded
don't be blind and
see me
#music #politics #history #Madımak #HasanHüseyinKorkmazgil #HasretGültekin
#hasretgultekin #hasanhuseyinkorkmazgil #madimak #History #Politics #Music
Hasret Gültekin... A life spanning 21 years, dozens of songs and poems... He directed 5 solo albums and albums of dozens of different artists. A virtuoso of the instrument, a revolutionary of instruments and music... A powerful voice and a revolutionary life. His instrument still guides young artists. He was 21 years old when he was burned to death by Islamist fascists. 6 months after Hasret's death, her son Roni Hasret Gültekin was born.
#sivaskatliami30yil #hasretgultekin #unutmakyok