@slackerlabs That's the same thing I've seen too, using @rpilocator. I'm sure I'll be able to grab one eventually, but for now I just got my setup working on an old RPI4B+ 8GB with #hassio and I'm waiting on the next round of #SkyConnect shipments from Ameridroid.
Bit later than I said, but the writeup of me hacking my #Evse Car Charger is now up at https://walmsley.tech/diy-ish-solar-ev-charging/
#evse #electricvehicle #evs #solar #homeautomation #hassio
Me vuelvo a quedar sorprendido con ChatGPT, le he pedido que me diga como ver mis presupuestos en #fireflyiii desde #homeassistant usando #nodered y me ha dado una respuesta funcional, ahora solo tengo que darle forma en una nueva pestaña de #hassio y quizá centralice más cosas desde ahí, no se… ¿gastos del día?, etc.
#fireflyiii #homeassistant #nodered #hassio
Gibts eine Webseite die hübsche / inhaltlich gehaltvolle / tolle Home Assistant Dashboards sammelt?
Wie sowas, wo Leute ihre Schreibtische oder Handy-Homescreens teilen.
Brauche Inspiration!
#smarthome #homeassistant #hassio #hass #dashboard #spielundzeug
#smarthome #homeassistant #hassio #hass #dashboard #spielundzeug
Gestern einen ESP8266 mit BME280 von Tasmota (tasmota.github.io) auf ESPHome (esphome.io) umgestellt -> und jetzt läuft alles wie bisher.
Erfolg oder so.
War in Vorbereitung auf einen LD2410 - behaupte ich zumindest.
#hassio #homeautomation #esp8266 #smarthome
Today's fun little #hassio project: scanning my Sylvania "Lightify" luminares for the "powercalc" plugin. See: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/powercalc-virtual-power-sensors/318515
Lekker klooien met #homeassistant
Het is denk ik de derde keer dat ik het een kans geef en nu denk ik eindelijk dat het een waardig opvolger is van #domoticz welke ik volgens mij al 10 jaar gebruik. Geweldig dat je zelfs de rdw gegevens van de auto (datum APK keuring) en de inhoud van de inktpatronen van de printer als entiteit kunt vangen. Heerlijk om alles lekker aan elkaar te knopen!
#hassio #selfhosted
#homeassistant #domoticz #hassio #selfhosted
@rmondello I _think_ this worked a bit better in #Safari Technology Preview 162 when trying to log in to my local #HomeAssistant server. (I can’t be sure because I could not successfully enable #1Password in the tech preview.) I have HA MFA enabled (https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/authentication/multi-factor-auth/). The #Hassio login screen no longer gives me autofill issues the way it once did, but the MFA screen still does.
#safari #homeassistant #1password #hassio
@rmondello I _think_ this worked a bit better in #Safari Technology Preview 162 when trying to log in to my local #HomeAssistant server. (I can’t be sure because I could not successfully enable #1Password in the tech preview.) I have HA MFA enabled (https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/authentication/multi-factor-auth/). The #Hassio login screen no longer gives me autofill issues the way it once did, but the MFA screen still does.
#safari #homeassistant #1password #hassio
Controlando los dispositivos IR desde Home Assistant #blog #aire_acondicionado #broadlink #control #control_remoto #hassio #home_assistant #infrarrojos #mando_a_distancia #proyector #remoto #tv #universal https://www.bujarra.com/controlando-los-dispositivos-ir-desde-home-assistant/
#blog #aire_acondicionado #Broadlink #control #control_remoto #hassio #home_assistant #infrarrojos #mando_a_distancia #proyector #remoto #tv #universal
@tychotithonus I hope and dream that Mycroft gets traction. Also, #hassio is focusing on speech control in 2023. The hypercorp voice assistants need to up their game, or be destroyed.
Boy, I sure wish I could figure out why my NAS and Home assistant pi stop responding every day. It might be time for an external log server...
#SynologyNAS #hassio #homeassistant #linux #homelab
Boy, I sure wish I could figure out why my NAS and Home assistant pi stop responding every day. It might be time for an external log server...
#SynologyNAS #hassio #homeassistant #linux #homelab
@scottjenson @rsms @joerick Home Assistant is a 🏆 level example of
- open source
- primary, for-profit organization driven (nabu casa)
- great UX/user-centric mentality, from the hardware (made their own) through the installs, through the support
- very engaged, active user feedback loops and distributed leadership of feature areas
Well, since #wled doesn't have a "random" feature, I made one with a shell script 😂
Just added the JSON state so it doesn't try to feed WLED while it is turned off, works with my #hassio #homeassistant setup & Google Home Hub.
Nach meiner Erfahrung heute Morgen, gibt es jetzt im HassIO einen neuen Sensor. Ebenso ist der Akku jetzt mit Glaswolle eingepackt. #hassio #autark #akku
RT @NetworkLuk@twitter.com
Merke: LiFePo4 Akkus haben, wenn es kalt ist, im unterem Kapazitätsbereich, eine deutlich steilere Spannungskurve. Für euch gerade getestet. #ausderdunkelheit #autark #vorbereitet
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NetworkLuk/status/1595309612575621120
#hassio #autark #Akku #ausderdunkelheit #vorbereitet
I remember the days of #HomeAssistant where you needed to dive deep into #yaml to configure a #USB stick. And pray it would work. Which on e Pi was even more of a disaster.
I just plugged one into my #proxmox host, passed it through to the #vm, and tadaa. It just works. And starts picking up random stuff around the house. I mostly wanted it for my #Xiaomi #PlantSensors
#homeassistant #yaml #usb #proxmox #vm #Xiaomi #PlantSensors #hassio #selfhosting #plants #monitoring #sensors
Now that was remarkably painless. Restored HA backup, plugged the USB devices in and passed them through to the host, and everything just works. #homeassistant #proxmox #migration #hassio #ha
#homeassistant #proxmox #migration #hassio #ha
Thinking about replacing my #openhab instance with #homeassistant convince me to stay or switch! #smarthome #hassio #openHAB3
#openhab #homeassistant #smarthome #hassio #openHAB3