When you walk into worked expecting the same day as usual but your boss tells you you're in at 11. There were no opening staff this morning for the restaurant. #needstaff #wft #whynoletwork? #hashtag #hastagsnobodywilleversearch
#hastagsnobodywilleversearch #hashtag #whynoletwork #wft #needstaff
Inside My Spinning - poetry
[Spinning" is not the political or media kind but, does require a pen. No hand to hand occurred. This is a concept about the power of words. Choose them wisely.]
"Inside My Spinning"
Here to pass the time,
I hide inside my spinning,
away from all the nettles fenced around.
Somewhere far away are all the saplings I have trampled under foot,
wailing for recompence,
thier recompence not found.
So, to mend the wounds of conscience,
I hide inside my spinning.
Battles hand to hand yet rage,
though I have not a part;
twas, the rudder of my ship's the cause.
The foolish prose of mine disperse,
as words of anger start.
So, I seek the theraputic,
my spinning through the time.
Deep inside the lion roars...
the wheel squeaks...
searching for compation,
there is no peace of mind,
The lion yet has much to learn,
in the jungle of the meek.
Tread softly, carry no stick.
For thunderous steps cause doves to fly,
and weapons kill the peace we seek.
So, the lion journeys on,
a shattered dream,
a broken train of thought.
Yet is is written, someday he will find:
Compassion, peace and understanding;
all the things that he has sought.
But for now to pass the time,
I live behind a spoken mime.
Adrift aloft this swirling rhyme,
For now to pass the time...
I hide inside my spinning.
Out of Exile - IDR. 1992
Primary: @OutOfExile_IDR_Voice
#poetry #SelfReflection #FindingPeace #SelfAwareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #InvisibleDisability #neurodivergence #querencia #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
#poetry #selfreflection #findingpeace #selfawareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #invisibledisability #neurodivergence #querencia #hastagsnobodywilleversearch
When all else fails...
"Blame it on the Sun"
#StevieWonder #TalkngBook #BlameItOnTheSun #NewBeginning #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
Blame It On The Sun Stevie Wonder https://open.spotify.com/track/65qWooYTj0dq5HzoV6P9Kt
#steviewonder #talkngbook #blameItOnTheSun #newbeginning #hastagsnobodywilleversearch
“Wilt and Flutter”
Mystery's flower
wilting before me
I Long for the hour
fog lifts that we see
a voice from within says...
be still and just be
I suddenly Cower
fortitude fleeting
The sonnet that deafens
my shattered hearts beating
The last thing I wanted
The first thing I need
What garden has nurtured
This mirroring seed
What dreams may become
Of this fair wilting flower
The radiant reflection
Now sweetens the sour
A muse? A façade?
A kind apparition?
No matter of what
I can’t help but listen
….It defies definition
Fluttering Fumbling
illumimates dark
The glistening brilliance
now calls me… I hark
Emerald Bleu inquisition
Deconstructing my will
Beconing, piercing, occupying
Be still.
Out of Exile IDR – 20221203
#poetry #SelfReflection #FindingPeace #SelfAwareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #querencia #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
OutOfExile_IDR § Deux
OutOfExile_IDR (unscented)
Invisible Disability Rights
#poetry #selfreflection #findingpeace #selfawareness #writing #prose #philosophy #poetrycommunity #querencia #hastagsnobodywilleversearch
I'm wondering if anyone has ever actually searched:
The soliloquy of a man's inner self is the reflection, not of what others perceive, but what he truly is.
For in the cool of the day, sheltered by the fog, for a man at peace with himself; there is no other.
Out of Exile - 1991
I've always thought about artists rendering their impressions of my poems. What would this look like?
#poetry #SelfReflection #FindingPeace #SelfAwareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch #InvisibleDisability
#poetry #selfreflection #findingpeace #selfawareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #invisibledisability
New: Revised Hashtag Intro.
Click here 🧠 to expand.
The Proverbial list Evolved:
:solidarity: #DisabilitySolidarity #DisabledCommunity #EndAbleism #InvisibleDisabilityRights #StopAbleistHate #DisabilityAdvocacy #passionate #DisabledVoicesUnite #CrossDisabilitySupport #inclusion #ListeningEar #Here4All #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity
#ConcussionAwareness #TBI #ABI #AnoxicBrainInjury #BrainInjury #SpineInjury #fibromyalgia #LimbDifference #ActuallyAutisic #OrthopedicDisabilities #SticksAndStones #BrokenBones #NaturesPharmaceutical #DisabilityAcceptance #EndAbleistHateCrime #StopAbleistSlurs #DisabilityEconomicJustice #CripTheVote #DisabilityLobby #HumanInterest #NonPartisan #research #Education #Knowledge
#UnityConquers #TearDownTheWall
Behind and beside in :solidarity: : #CivilRights #MentalHealth #EndRacism #EndBigotry #LandBack #gratitude Kahnawá:ke #LGBTQIA #BLM #WomenRights #EqualPay #StopViolence #StopAsianHate #POC #EndBigotry for #everyone
#BeYou #BeNice
#UnityConquers #TearDownTheWall :solidarity: !!
Un peu de moi?
Je ne parle pas couramment Français. I like using #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
#FilmMaking #Writing #poetry
Ex-#musician #Songwriter Passé
💐⚘🌺🏵 #GardenCreator extraordinaire. #FlowerGardens
Et Bien plus encore
Original profile is informational only.
New posts and communication will originate from § Voice and § Deux: @OutOfExile_IDR@neurodifferent.me
The character count affords me accommodation.
🙏, ✌️, 💛, :solidarity: #accommodation for "👥🫂👤" with #InvisibleDisabilities
Just like many of us, this list is incomplete and still evolving.
Don't forget the ALT text.
#DisabilitySolidarity #DisabledCommunity #endableism #InvisibleDisabilityRights #StopAbleistHate #disabilityadvocacy #passionate #disabledvoicesunite #CrossDisabilitySupport #inclusion #ListeningEar #Here4All #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity #ConcussionAwareness #TBI #abi #AnoxicBrainInjury #brainInjury #SpineInjury #fibromyalgia #limbdifference #actuallyautisic #orthopedicdisabilities #sticksandstones #brokenbones #naturespharmaceutical #disabilityacceptance #endableisthatecrime #stopableistslurs #disabilityeconomicjustice #cripthevote #DisabilityLobby #humaninterest #nonpartisan #research #education #knowledge #unityconquers #teardownthewall #civilrights #mentalhealth #endracism #endbigotry #landback #gratitude #lgbtqia #blm #womenrights #equalpay #stopviolence #StopAsianHate #poc #everyone #beyou #BeNice #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #filmmaking #writing #poetry #musician #songwriter #gardencreator #flowergardens #accommodation #invisibledisabilities
Interesting conversations last night..
Today, some asked questions? Clarification?
"It was right after he bribed me with a bag dill pickle flavored potato chips, and a half eaten piece of sushi.
After that, I just don't know. I was just clicking the follow button with no regard for Aunt Gertrude.
The dill powder on the chips must have been laced with Funion dust.
I'll never do that again, that's for sure.
I'm usually the followed, not follower. I think it's the deodorant I use... "Eau Du Bologna Sandwich". It's French, you know."
"Make it John Morrell bologna and you got a new disciple"
ME: "You got it, but I call them "Jockularistians" not disciples.
Ok, Jockularistian Anon?"
ME:. "Hey wait, you already follow and you signed the contract in Dijon mustard already.
Start clicking jockularistians !!!
Where's the dang dill pickle potato chip emoji on this thing. Anyway."🥪
Yes, I'm very neurptypical. 😉
#jokes #humor #jocularity #jovial #LaughOrCrumble #laugh #comedy #bologna #comedians #ComicReleif #Funions #silly #FrenchCuisine #sushi
#Gertrude #Neurodivergence
#jokes #humor #jocularity #jovial #laughorcrumble #laugh #comedy #bologna #comedians #comicreleif #funions #Silly #frenchcuisine #sushi #gertrude #neurodivergence #NeurodivergentThinking #hastagsnobodywilleversearch
“Wilt and Flutter”
Mystery's flower
wilting before me
I Long for the hour
fog lifts that we see
a voice from within says...
be still and just be
I suddenly Cower
fortitude fleeting
The sonnet that deafens
my shattered hearts beating
The last thing I wanted
The first thing I need
What garden has nurtured
This mirroring seed
What dreams may become
Of this fair wilting flower
The radiant reflection
Now sweetens the sour
A muse? A façade?
A kind apparition?
No matter of what
I can’t help but listen
….It defies definition
Fluttering Fumbling
illumimates dark
The glistening brilliance
now calls me… I hark
Emerald Bleu inquisition
Deconstructing my will
Beconing, piercing, occupying
Be still.
Out of Exile IDR – 20221203
#poetry #SelfReflection #FindingPeace #SelfAwareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
OutOfExile_IDR § Deux
OutOfExile_IDR (unscented)
Invisible Disability Rights
#poetry #selfreflection #findingpeace #selfawareness #writing #prose #philosophy #poetrycommunity #hastagsnobodywilleversearch
[Spinning" is not the political or media kind but, does require a pen. No hand to hand occurred. This is a concept about the power of words. Choose them wisely.]
"Inside My Spinning"
Here to pass the time,
I hide inside my spinning,
away from all the nettles fenced around.
Somewhere far away are all the saplings I have trampled under foot,
wailing for recompence,
thier recompence not found.
So, to mend the wounds of conscience,
I hide inside my spinning.
Battles hand to hand yet rage,
though I have not a part;
twas, the rudder of my ship's the cause.
The foolish prose of mine disperse,
as words of anger start.
So, I seek the theraputic,
my spinning through the time.
Deep inside the lion roars...
the wheel squeaks...
searching for compation,
there is no peace of mind,
The lion yet has much to learn,
in the jungle of the meek.
Tread softly, carry no stick.
For thunderous steps cause doves to fly,
and weapons kill the peace we seek.
So, the lion journeys on,
a shattered dream,
a broken train of thought.
Yet is is written, someday he will find:
Compassion, peace and understanding;
all the things that he has sought.
But for now to pass the time,
I live behind a spoken mime.
Adrift aloft this swirling rhyme,
For now to pass the time...
I hide inside my spinning.
Out of Exile - IDR. 1992
Primary Profile: @OutOfExile_IDR@disabled.social
#poetry #SelfReflection #FindingPeace #SelfAwareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #InvisibleDisability #neurodivergence #NeurodivergentThinking #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
#poetry #selfreflection #findingpeace #selfawareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #invisibledisability #neurodivergence #NeurodivergentThinking #hastagsnobodywilleversearch
“Wilt and Flutter”
Mystery's flower
wilting before me
I Long for the hour
fog lifts that we see
a voice from within says...
be still and just be
I suddenly Cower
fortitude fleeting
The sonnet that deafens
my shattered hearts beating
The last thing I wanted
The first thing I need
What garden has nurtured
This mirroring seed
What dreams may become
Of this fair wilting flower
The radiant reflection
Now sweetens the sour
A muse? A façade?
A kind apparition?
No matter of what
I can’t help but listen
….It defies definition
Flutterimg Fumbling
illumimates dark
The glistening brilliance
now calls me… I hark
Emerald Blu inquisition
Deconstructing my will
Beconong, piercing, occupying
Be still.
I’ve not written poetry in years and am ecstatic that creation is returning. I’m happy to say, I wrote this TODAY.
Out of Exile IDR – 20221203
Responses to:
#poetry #SelfReflection #FindingPeace #SelfAwareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch #InvisibleDisability #querencia
#poetry #selfreflection #findingpeace #selfawareness #writing #prose #philosophy #PoetryCommunity #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #invisibledisability #querencia
Enfermé - Shadow's Night
With each word you say,
lies always more behind
Love dies swelling in the past,
time and again
We cannot step into the light while dead
Lurking in shadow's night gone by,
never looking in my soul
Ive been left alone to echo thru the sky
Winds of change blow promises
as drifting banks of snow encase me
In a tomb of soft, sweet lulabys.
#poetry #SelfReflection #FindingPeace #SelfAwareness #writing #prose #PoetryCommunity #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch #InvisibleDisability
Out of Exile IDR 1992
#poetry #selfreflection #findingpeace #selfawareness #writing #prose #PoetryCommunity #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #invisibledisability
Full moon obscured by trees.
The view from well or pit?
A cross?
What the view from Exile looks like?
What do you see?
Not the best quality (sceenshot). I'm more videographer than photographer. I was not using my professional camera. An interesting image just the same.
Taken in October, 2015 in New Hampshire. - Out of Exile -IDR
Invisible Disability Rights
#moon #trees #photography #FullMoon #InvisibleDisability #Exile #querencia #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
#moon #trees #photography #fullmoon #invisibledisability #exile #querencia #hastagsnobodywilleversearch
Just for you.. live version
I will try to remember no spotify
Can you feel the love in this room?
#music #thankful #happiness
#peeps #NotTheMarshmallowKind
#Love2All #Joy #SpirtLift #LaughterIsMedicine #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch #humor
The Feeling Music Brings Susan Tedeschi https://open.spotify.com/track/3lGumtd1wgL9OztyBDjCVl https://disabled.social/@OutOfExile_IDR/109437406334977261
#music #thankful #happiness #peeps #notthemarshmallowkind #love2all #joy #spirtlift #laughterismedicine #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #humor
Can you feel the love in this room?
#music #thankful #happiness
#peeps #NotTheMarshmallowKind
#Love2All #Joy #SpirtLift #LaughterIsMedicine #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch #humor
The Feeling Music Brings Susan Tedeschi https://open.spotify.com/track/3lGumtd1wgL9OztyBDjCVl
#music #thankful #happiness #peeps #notthemarshmallowkind #love2all #joy #spirtlift #laughterismedicine #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #humor