Yes, this is going to be great! ✨
I can move all of the non-personal Twitter feeds I follow into the #Feedbro addon and rebuild a personal network on #Mastodon! ✌ 😄
FYI - The default article count per feed is 20, but I decreased mine to 10. I may modify it further in the future depending on how the total feed count impacts my system. #TwitterMigration #TwitterExodus #TheEnd #Finis #GoodbyeTwitter #Adios #HastaLaVista #AuRevoir #Sayonara
#sayonara #aurevoir #hastalavista #adios #GoodByeTwitter #finis #theend #twitterexodus #twittermigration #mastodon #feedbro
Well I guess that seals the deal then. I've been using the excellent #Plume app for years now to browse #twitter because the official app is garbage. Their API keys and other third party clients were intentionally revoked, so #hastalavista baby
It’s the last quarter-final of the Robot World Cup. And what a match. It’s Terminator v Maria. Vote for your fave NOW 🤖 🌍️ 🏆️ #terminator #metropolis #scifi #scifimovies #hastalavista #podcast #scifipodcast
#scifipodcast #podcast #hastalavista #scifimovies #scifi #metropolis #terminator
Io sui Britannici non sono oggettivo (li amo troppo) ma il modo a volte scanzonato di non prendersi così sul serio come nel nostro Paese, me li fa amare ancor di più!
Oggi #BoJo ha scelto di congedarsi così dai #Commons
Questione di stile, si dirà.
#hastalavista @BorisJohnson!