The #GalápagosNationalPark Directorate, in collaboration with the organization #GalápagosConservancy, released the 86 #hatchlings, aged between 5 & 6 years, of the #Chelonoidis #hoodensis #species that is #endemic to #EspañolaIsland in the #Galápagos .
The #animals come from the #CaptiveBreeding center of #SantaCruzIsland - located in the center of the #archipelago
#GoodNews #nature #wildlife #tortoises #SeaCreatures #MarineBiology #ecology #biodiversity #ProtectTheWild
#galapagosnationalpark #galapagosconservancy #hatchlings #chelonoidis #hoodensis #species #endemic #espanolaisland #galapagos #animals #captivebreeding #santacruzisland #archipelago #goodnews #nature #wildlife #tortoises #seacreatures #marinebiology #ecology #biodiversity #protectthewild
Brian Wisenden, Daniel Paulson and Megan Orr show that #zebrafish #embryos hatch early in response to chemical and mechanical indicators of #predation risk. These #hatchlings exhibit underdeveloped swimming abilities:
#Hatching #Cues #Science #BiologyOpen #Biology #AcademicMastodon
#zebrafish #Embryos #predation #hatchlings #hatching #cues #Science #biologyopen #biology #AcademicMastodon
Captain Zuri standing watch over some new hatchlings. #SilentSunday #cat #chickens #chicks #hatchlings #cityfarm
#cityfarm #hatchlings #chicks #chickens #Cat #silentsunday
Took both #Hatchlings to soft play this morning.
Success: came back with both kids, who had loads of fun
Failure: of all my muscles and joints
The new additions to the family. Willy Wagtail hatchlings. #willywagtail #hatchlings
Hatchling Turtles making their way
#hatchlings #turtles #nature #nature #naturephotos
#hatchlings #turtles #Nature #naturephotos
Pin head sized spider hatchlings in their web nest. #spiders #woods #hatchlings
I forgot to do an #introduction, so hi!
Professionally I make #computers go "beep" and occasionally "boop" if I'm feeling fancy. On the Bad Place I mostly post elaborate #puns and describe ways my kids (aka #hatchlings) have outsmarted me. Used to run a #BoardGames group but rarely find the time now, sadly. Interested in #maths, #science, #language, #puzzles, #VideoGames and probably #OtherThingsThatIHaveForgotten.
Not sure exactly how I'll use #Mastodon - work in progress...
#mastodon #otherthingsthatihaveforgotten #videogames #puzzles #language #science #maths #boardgames #hatchlings #puns #computers #introduction
@jesibeans apparently i priced low enough last night that all four of my extra dragons sold at auction so i hatched this morning. gosh they're cute! but they gotta get moving. can't keep everyone!