Mozilla often get a bit of a hard time but this is spot on and a something no one else is doing. I Well done Mozilla. #Mozilla #hatespeach #tattle #opensource
Mozilla Foundation - A Community-based Tool to Block Hateful Content on Social Media
> A civic tech organization in India, Tattle, is buckling up to grant users more agency over how to protect themselves and report online abuse.
#OpenSource #tattle #hatespeach #Mozilla
Wie eine Sexarbeiterin mit dem alltäglichen Haß im Netz umgeht. Sehr lesenswert
#sexworker #hatespeach #hate #twitter #toxicmasculinty #longread #internethate
#sexworker #hatespeach #hate #twitter #toxicmasculinty #longread #internethate
Stacey Pkaskett “he [President Trump]needs to be shot-- stopped".
The #gloves have finally come off.
#glovesoff #staceyplaskett
#democrats #hatespeach #delegate
#gloves #glovesoff #staceyplaskett #democrats #hatespeach #delegate
Blame this on the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision.
"Amanda Gorman is ‘gutted’ by school district’s decision to restrict her poem after a parent complained it contained ‘hate messages’", #CNN
“I wrote ‘The Hill We Climb’ so that all young people could see themselves in a historical moment. Ever since, I’ve received countless letters and videos from children inspired by ‘The Hill We Climb’ to write their own poems,” she wrote. “Robbing children of the chance to find their voices in literature is a violation of their right to free thought and free speech.”
The explosion of #GOP chaos, white supremacy, christian extremism, and violence against women and the LGBTQ+ communities is a direct result of the #SCOTUS decision on Dobbs and their extremist republican and religious views.
Removing the #republicans on the Supreme Court must be the top priority of any Democratic candidate going forward.
#AmandaGorman #democrat #politics #HateSpeach #diversity #WomensRights #LGBTQ
#cnn #gop #scotus #republicans #AmandaGorman #democrat #politics #hatespeach #diversity #WomensRights #lgbtq
Auf Twitter ist die tägliche Hassrede auf das Doppelte gestiegen, seitdem Elon Musk die Plattform übernommen hat. Das belegt eine Studie.
Den ausführlichen Artikel gibt es hier: 👉 #Twitter #twitterblue #hatespeach #hassrede #elonmusk
#twitter #twitterblue #hatespeach #hassrede #elonmusk
Ich war heut bei der Vorstellung des neuen Programms am Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin Generell wollen sie ein Space sein, in dem kein Platz ist für #hatespeach #rassismus #agismus #transphobia #homophobia und und und. Alles gut und im Grunde soll das HKW ein Raum der Freude sein
ALLES GUT! Dazu bitten wir noch die Kritik, die Debatte, die systematische Auseinandersetzung, die Analyse
Ich empfehle hier ein Buch das letzteres liefert ohne ersteres zu verraten: #BetielBerhe #Niemehrleise
#hatespeach #rassismus #agismus #transphobia #homophobia #betielberhe #niemehrleise
Since the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism was adopted in 2016, it has become the most widely-recognized barometer in the collective effort against Jew-hatred. At the start of 2023 it is the official definition for 1,116 global entities, including the U.S. State Department, 30 U.S. states, and 7 Canadian provinces. #JewishPride #antisemitism #mazeldon #antiracism #HumanRights #IHRA #HateSpeach
#jewishpride #antisemitism #mazeldon #antiracism #humanrights #ihra #hatespeach
I confronted Suella Braverman because as a Holocaust survivor, I know what words of hate can do | Joan Salter | The Guardian
⬇️⬇️ #hateSpeach #SuellaBraverman #holocaustmemorialday
#hatespeach #SuellaBraverman #holocaustmemorialday
Es wird nicht besser beim Vogel:
❗ Racist hate has gone up by 202%
❗ Homophobic slurs are up by 58%
❗ Misogynistic tweets have increased by 33%.
"Im November gab es 23.832 Tweets mit "climate scam", doppelt so viele wie im Oktober und acht Mal so viele, wie im zweijährigen Durchschnitt."
#TwitterMigration #hatespeach #climatesceptics #klimaleugner #klimawandel
#klimawandel #Klimaleugner #climatesceptics #hatespeach #twittermigration
Yep, the musk brings 1,5 billion accounts back to #Twitter, Ye, brace for more #racism #fascism #bigotry and #hatespeach on Twitter.
Thanks, but no thanks!
#twitter #racism #fascism #bigotry #hatespeach
@experiencersinternational was on Super Golf and some other game that they quickly left because of other types of #hatespeach
Random ein paar Kommentare bei Instagramm gelesen...Bodyshaming bei Minderjährigen...Hass...Rechthaberei...
Die Menschheit geht echt vor die Hunde...
#hatespeach #bodyshaming #instagram
Reddit 1/ I'm serving 7-day suspension on Reddit for a comment I made in r/Massachusetts. There was a post showing masked white nationalists yelling at and intimidating pedestrians somewhere near Harvard Yard. I decided to make the same comment that got me suspended on Twitter. #Reddit #hatespeach #usa #whitenationalists
#whitenationalists #usa #hatespeach #reddit
Reddit 1/ I'm serving 7-day suspension on Reddit for a comment I made in r/Massachusetts. There was a post showing masked white nationalists yelling at and intimidating pedestrians somewhere near Harvard Yard. I decided to make the same comment that got me suspended on Twitter. #Reddit #hatespeach #usa #whitenationalists
#whitenationalists #usa #hatespeach #reddit
The rise of hate speech on social media is being benefited by those who abuse the term "freedom of speech", Human Rights make the terms very clear. Hating, insulting and promoting fake news are not free speech. #hatespeach #freespeech #freedomofexpression #humanrights #socialmedia #twittermigration
#freespeech #freedomofexpression #humanrights #twittermigration #socialmedia #hatespeach
Am Wochenende wurde in #Horb am Neckar ein #Mahnmal der #Hexenverfolgung enthüllt. Klingt vielleicht aus der Zeit gefallen, aber auch heute noch werden #Menschen (sogar Kleinkinder) wegen #Hexerei bzw. #Infektionen #Unglück #Psychose oder niederenBeweggründen anderer verfolgt, gefoltert, vertrieben oder getötet. Nicht in #Europa? #Shitstorm #Hatespeach #Cybermobbing sind nur die kleinen virtuellen Schwestern ….
#cybermobbing #hatespeach #shitstorm #europa #psychose #ungluck #infektionen #hexerei #menschen #hexenverfolgung #mahnmal #horb
#polizei #internet #socialmedia #facebook #twitter #hatespeach #rechtsextremismus #hass #hetze #drohung #beleidigung #online #querdenken #querdenker #plattform #forum #gesetz #demokratie #frauen #rassismus #ärztin #selbstmord #suizid #impfgegner #österreich #impfung #corona #coronaleugner #verschwörungstheorie #verschwörungsmythen #radikalisierung #aggression #rechtschreibung #duden #netz #doxing #feindeslisten #StGB #gesellschaft #politik #cartoon #karikatur
#polizei #internet #socialmedia #facebook #twitter #hatespeach #rechtsextremismus #hass #hetze #drohung #beleidigung #online #querdenken #querdenker #plattform #forum #gesetz #demokratie #frauen #rassismus #arztin #selbstmord #suizid #impfgegner #osterreich #impfung #corona #coronaleugner #verschworungstheorie #verschworungsmythen #radikalisierung #aggression #rechtschreibung #duden #netz #doxing #feindeslisten #stgb #gesellschaft #politik #cartoon #karikatur