#TariqAli on #racist #Churchill
( We love zayde Ali, but I disagree with the statues bit. #FuckChurchill #TAKEDOWNtheSTATUES !!!
Also, #HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeech. If Goebbels, Hitler, FOX News, Knowles, and the anti-Tutsi propaganda in Rwanda, etc. were stopped in their tracks, it would have prevented a lot of problems!)
#tariqali #racist #churchill #PoliticsJoe #fuckchurchill #takedownthestatues #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
We need hate speech laws because the holocaust didn’t start by rounding people up in death camps. It started with the hateful rhetoric that certain groups are to blame for society’s problems.
When a public figure spews lies about trans people, audiences act on those lies and attack trans people out of “defense” of children, women, or whatever ideal the public figure is claiming to be under attack.
Civilized spaces have no place for hate speech.
#hatespeech #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
One gets the distinct feeling that Luzon is wanting hate speech to be maximised rather than 'freedom of speech' being 'protected'.
Way to lose voters.
#nzpol #LuxonSpeak #Agitators #ToxicNarcissists #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
#nzpol #luxonspeak #Agitators #toxicnarcissists #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
#AlJazeera July 2020
The radio station that demonised Tutsis and paved the way for the #RwandanGenocide
#FelicienKabuga s ongoing #hatespeech demonised Tutsi people
#hatespeechisnotfreespeech #aljazeera #rwanda #rwandangenocide #felicienkabuga #hatespeech
#AlJazeera July 2020
The radio station that demonised Tutsis and paved the way for the #RwandanGenocide
#hatespeechisnotfreespeech #aljazeera #rwanda #rwandangenocide
@ProjectFearlessness This language is now being used in most western nations, against everyone who isn't a straight, conservative, white Christian cismale. This is unacceptable.
Tolerance against intolerance cannot be allowed to continue.
#HateSpeech #HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeech #NoToleranceForIntolerance
#hatespeech #hatespeechisnotfreespeech #notoleranceforintolerance
#GetTuckerCarlsonOFFTV !! This is the same schmuck who didn't have a problem with underage people having sex with adults, and STILL hadn't been sacked!
#hatespeechisnotfreespeech #GetTuckerCarlsonOFFTV
#elonmusk #Twexit #TwitterExodus #ToxicPlatform #Twittershutdown #TwitterIsDead #TwitterIsOver #TwitterIsOverParty #hatespeech #hatespeechisnotfreespeech #boycottTwitter #bankruptTwitter
#ElonMusk #twexit #twitterexodus #toxicplatform #twittershutdown #twitterisdead #twitterisover #twitterisoverparty #hatespeech #hatespeechisnotfreespeech #boycotttwitter #bankrupttwitter
So today #TwitterChaos reached another low, reinstating a known Nazi sympathizer account.
#twitterchaos #ThisIsNotProgress #thisisnothelpful #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
So there is a limit to free speech? Tough to keep track these days. But I’m glad it’s down. #ye #twitter #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
#ye #twitter #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
Well there is no doubt about it now folks. #ElonMusk has just posted Pepe the Frog confirming to any doubters that he's all in w the alt-right, white power, #GQP, 4chan racist/anti-semites/anti-democracy/anti-LGBTQ losers. #Racism #antisemitism #AntiLGBTQ #Transphobes #Twitter #GQP #AltRight #Maga #MagaRepublican #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #VoteBlue2024 #HateSpeech #HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeech #Fascist #PepeTheFrog #Cult45
#elonmusk #gqp #racism #antisemitism #antilgbtq #transphobes #twitter #altright #maga #magarepublican #votebluetosavedemocracy #voteblue2024 #hatespeech #hatespeechisnotfreespeech #fascist #pepethefrog #cult45
RT @November20_2022@twitter.com
#ElonMusk just decided to bring the worst people on the internet back to #Twitter
#Twexit #TwitterExodus #ToxicPlatform #TaTaTwitter #Twittershutdown #TwitterIsDead #TwitterIsOver #TwitterIsOverParty #SpaceKaren #hatespeech #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/November20_2022/status/1595909828987207682
#hatespeechisnotfreespeech #hatespeech #SpaceKaren #twitterisoverparty #twitterisover #twitterisdead #twittershutdown #tatatwitter #toxicplatform #twitterexodus #twexit #Twitter #ElonMusk
Looks like an increase in Hate Speech likely to occur at the Bird Site. Even more reason to abandon the cesspit. #HateSpeech #HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeech #Auspol
#hatespeech #hatespeechisnotfreespeech #auspol
This is not "football related", this is hate speech promotion. #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
#coloradosprings We used to say that shouting fire in a crowded theater was not protected free speech. Demonizing gay and trans people on the internet has the same effect. People die because of hateful rhetoric. #HateSpeechIsNotFreeSpeech
#coloradosprings #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
@malteengeler @rechtsbelehrung - frei von jeglichem Sarcasmus: Emusk hat von den 50% freigesetzter Mitarbeiter*innen überwiegend den Fürsorgenden für #political_correctness & #hatespeechisnotfreespeech Zuständigenden gekündigt. Bei dem Zulauf, den #mastodon jetzt hat, können sicher noch viele gute Leute gebraucht werden :-D
#political_correctness #hatespeechisnotfreespeech #mastodon
I’m so bummed. My partner was on here a minute and got the most vile antisemitic message. 😬 So much for thinking this place might be nicer. #mastodon #hatespeechisnotfreespeech
#hatespeechisnotfreespeech #Mastodon