Hating the players is pure #MentalMasturbation
#Capitalism is the problem!
#hatethegame #mentalmasturbation #capitalism #abolishcapitalism
Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
There have always been horrible people among us.
The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.*
Hating the players (while condoning the system) is just #MentalMasturbation!
*See: "We The Elites: Why The U.S. Constitution Serves the few", By Robert Ovetz
#SystemFail #mentalmasturbation #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism
Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
please don't demagogue the demagogues!
Hating the players is #MentalMasturbation !
There have always been horrible people among us.
The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.
#SystemFail #mentalmasturbation #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism
Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
please don't demagogue the demagogues!
Hating the players is #MentalMasturbation !
There have always been horrible people among us.
The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.
#NoGodsNoMasters #LibertarianSocialism
#SystemFail #mentalmasturbation #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism
Regarding the behavior of oligarchs and their politician minions:
There have always been horrible people among us.
The problem is not that they exist, the issue is that our societies are structured in ways that allow them to hurt the rest of us.
#NoGodsNoMasters #LibertarianSocialism
#SystemFail #hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #abolishallstates #nogodsnomasters #libertariansocialism
Yeah, hording wealth like this is what capitalism is all about!
Stop your disingenuous (liberal) critique of the successful players in the capital game!
Capitalism is the problem, not the winners!
#hatethegame #abolishcapitalism #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy