#Haudenosaunee #Indigenous #ClimateChange #sustainability #Adirondacks #winter
Save Winter Soiree
The Wild Center, Tupper Lake, NY | January 14, 2023
#haudenosaunee #Indigenous #ClimateChange #sustainability #adirondacks #Winter
"Tribally owned Wáhta’ Maple Farm will produce and market organic maple syrup in various flavor profiles. The company will harvest sap from trees on #Oneida Nation lands.
"With the new venture, the tribe aims to showcase #sustainable practices that honor the significance of maple trees and sap in #Haudenosaunee (#Iroquois) culture..."
#oneida #sustainable #haudenosaunee #iroquois
Paleo Indigenous hunting tools have blood protein of Mastodon or Mammoth : https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/evidence-mammoth-butcher-in-ontario-1.6693736 These are the ancestors of living modern #haudenosaunee people so this is NOT a surprise to anyone familiar with their oral histories. #earlytech
So I guess the new Alex Ross Fantastic 4 comic has an alternate Earth where the #Iroquois (should be #Haudenosaunee) "got" technology from aliens & Manifest Destiny "went the other way" & I'm like, WTF? Why would we even? Only a colonizer would write that. That's not how #Indigenous people think. 🤦🏻♀️
#comics #indigenous #haudenosaunee #iroquois
#Hamilton, #ON: Judge is out to 'find the truth' about land near #SixNations, part of sentencing hearing:
Skyler Williams' hearing for involvement at #1492LandBack Lane (proposed #McKenzieMeadows development) on unceded #Haudenosaunee territory. | @cbcnews
#hamilton #on #sixnations #1492landback #mckenziemeadows #haudenosaunee
Happy Thanksgiving, US folks.
Don't forget to acknowledge the land you're standing on, and the people here before we came stomping in.
This is a day of thanks an reflection, and I will keep the #Onondaga nation and the #Haudenosaunee alliance in mind today, whose ancestral lands are where I call home.
thinkin’ about about this #indigenous (specifically #haudenosaunee) thanksgiving address for tomorrow. i always reread it on #thanksgiving day. first saw it in #braidingSweetgrass which is an amazing book—and one i really should have a hard copy of.
#BraidingSweetgrass #thanksgiving #haudenosaunee #indigenous
Missing Link: Vom Großen Gesetz des Friedens und der zweitältesten #Demokratie
Verstehen, würdigen, respektieren! Angesichts neuer Kriege in #Europa – inklusive dem Rückfall in die schlimmsten Zeiten des Kalten Krieges – und neuer Bedrohungen durch Cyberkriege, sich beschleunigendem #Klimawandel und globaler Spannungen ... Der Auflösung der bislang für unzerstörbar gehaltener Gewissheiten hilft es möglicherweise, auf eine andere #Geschichte zurückzublicken. Und es mag die Debatte über postkoloniale Positionen und #Dekolonialisierung aller gesellschaftlichen Bereiche (auch der IT) vom Kopf auf die Füße stellen – sowie die albernen Debatten über aufgewärmten #Winnetou-Kitsch ad absurdum führen. Die zweitälteste heute noch bestehende Demokratie entstand vor 880 Jahren – in #Amerika.
#HaudenosauneeConfederacy #Haudenosaunee #Seneca #Cayuga #Onondaga
#Oneida #Mohawk
#Demokratie #europa #Klimawandel #geschichte #Dekolonialisierung #Winnetou #Amerika #HaudenosauneeConfederacy #haudenosaunee #seneca #cayuga #Onondaga #Oneida #Mohawk